The world is a playground of possibilities if you know how to play the game.
Life has a habit of testing and pushing us, we either push through the challenges or stay put.
We will inevitably hit road blocks, glass ceilings, obstructions, or plateaus and can either figure out a solution and muscle through or give up.
There’s nothing wrong with staying put, but if you want to have more, be more and be better, then staying put isn’t really an option.

People give up because they don’t know how to move past a sticking point, or lack the motivation to drive beyond a certain level of discomfort. They may well move onto something completely different instead, but they will inevitably get so far and again hit a threshold that requires them to acquire something beyond their present capabilities. They can either figure out how to move beyond it or again bounce back into the bubble of their comfort zone. It’s a cycle that keeps repeating, what’s important is to realise that TO HAVE MORE you have TO BE MORE, in terms of skills, knowledge, motivation and productivity.
Here at Get Lasting Results, we have developed a framework that provides insight into why you’re not finding success and what you need to do to become more successful in all areas of your life, from health to wealth.
Acquiring accurate information from reliable sources is the first building block towards being successful. It is for this reason, we have included several guides that cover health, business, marketing, wealth, spirituality.
We’re here to help
If you’re frustrated you can’t Get results, if you’re looking for a solution to a problem or struggling to overcome some kind of obstruction in pursuit of your goal(s), we may be able to provide some value to you.
Let’s embark on a journey together, because we genuinely want to help you Get Results. Sign up below and we’ll email you as soon as new articles go live, as well as providing exclusive content not available on the website. All the content we send is designed to help you Get Results. We’re not talking about spammy marketing rubbish but genuine information and solutions aimed at helping you reach your goal. We can’t do it for you, but we can point you in the right direction.
Four things we provide:
#1 Helping you find reliable sources of accurate information.
We curate content and teachings from many of the thought leaders from personal development, business, marketing, health and fitness and spirituality. It’s here all in one place, updated regularly, often tested by us in our own lives.
#2 Helping you understand and remember information and knowledge when it’s needed.
There is no point reading books or going to seminars, if what you learn from them is forgotten and never used.
One of the significant challenges we face today, with an abundance of information at our fingertips, is knowing what to pay attention to. Then we have to organise what we’ve learned, and store it for easy retrieval, so we can deploy it when needed.
We rely on core models that evolve as we gain new insights, models that have been developed over 20 years of study and experience. Much of the topics we cover on this website are based on these models.
#3 Keeping you motivated.
Motivation is the fuel for action, and without it nothing will get done. Much of this website is dedicated to motivation. In fact, this site is built on the three foundations of knowledge, motivation and productivity. We love quote graphics; we have hundreds throughout the site, so check them out as you navigate around. Quote graphics provide hope and inspiration, that’s why they are so popular. Tap into these wise words, because they can really change the way you think about situations, if you open yourself up to their power.
#4 Providing “done for you” services, if you haven’t got the time or knowledge, and would rather focus on other aspects of your business.
It’s an interesting fact that many people, even armed with all the knowledge they need, still don’t follow through on their plans or goals. Having good self-awareness allows you to uncover why you gravitate to do some things while avoiding others. However, the core beliefs that direct action can be difficult to uncover, and sometimes it’s easier and quicker to hire help to do the things you may naturally shy away from.
We can help with your lead generation by either managing your pay-per-click campaigns so you get found quickly on Google, or we can help provide motion graphic adverts and promos that drive leads from social media channels to your website 247.

Getting Results is important in all aspects of life, including business, wealth, relationships, and health. If you can master the skill of pushing past obstacles, jumping over obstructions, and figuring a way around challenges, the world becomes a playground of possibilities.
As human beings we seek growth, continual improvement, and we strive to evolve into the people we would like to be. On the journey of discovery and expansion, we often hit thresholds that stop us from moving beyond a certain point.

It’s easy for us to become frustrated, disappointed, conflicted, and feel like we’ve failed. If we can’t resolve the issue, chronic anger is a real danger. This anger can easily permeate other aspects of life, so it’s important to resolve such issues.
Fear also plays a big part in our journey, often holding us back with false illusions of limitations and scarcity. When you realise that motivation has two opposing forces, you begin to understand why progress can be so difficult.
Sign up for our newsletter, above, for new insightful content as soon as it gets published, as well as exclusive content that isn’t available on the website.
The best place to start by having a look through our self help guides below. We’re sure you’ll find them very informative. We will be continually building upon our existing Get Results guides, as we improve and evolve the models upon which they have been developed. So bookmark the site and keep checking back. Use the Get Results guides below as your starting point, each guide is linked to extra content specific to the section it’s linked from. Enjoy!

Uncover the secrets of FULFILMENT (Being) and ACHIEVEMENT (Doing), via our guides below. For fulfilment, check out the spirituality and well-being guide, for achievement, wealth, business and marketing guides are a good start. And let’s not forget about looking after our physical health as well.

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