We are all looking at the world through different windows

Get Results: belief
Get Results: belief

Imagine a house with many windows, each offering a view of the same landscape outside. However, each window has a different shape, frame, and type of glass—some are clear, others are fogged, cracked, or tinted. One person may look through a wide, clean window and see the full picture, while another might see only a small part of the scene through a narrow or dirty window.

The landscape (reality) remains the same, but the view is shaped by the window we look through. These windows represent our personal backgrounds, beliefs, and past experiences. Because each person looks out from a different window, they see a slightly different version of the same world, leading to unique perspectives and interpretations.

This analogy emphasizes how our subjective experiences shape our view of reality, making it impossible to see the world without the influence of our individual “windows.”

Understanding Human Behaviour: The Dance Between Approach and Avoidance

whether you think you' can or you think you can't - you're right quote by Henry Ford
whether you think you’ can or you think you can’t – you’re right quote by Henry Ford

In the intricate dance of human behavior, two primal forces constantly shape our actions: approach and avoidance. It’s a delicate balancing act of seeking pleasure while evading pain, striving to keep or attain the good while steering clear of the bad. Understanding these dynamics is key to unraveling the complexities of our decisions and actions.

At its core, our behavior is driven by the pursuit of rewards and the avoidance of punishments. We are wired to seek out experiences that trigger feelings of pleasure and satisfaction, fueled by the neurotransmitter dopamine. This incentive reward system motivates us to move towards our goals, driven by the anticipation of gratification.

However, once we achieve our goals, the frame of reference shifts. The consummatory reward sets in, and we experience a sense of satiation. Yet, intriguingly, it’s often the anticipation of rewards that drives us more than the rewards themselves. We find ourselves constantly chasing the next high, the next dopamine hit, perpetually in a state of wanting over having.

Conversely, punishments serve as deterrents, signaling potential threats to our well-being. Whether it’s the diminishment of our self-esteem or social status, punishments act as barriers, dissuading us from engaging in behaviours deemed undesirable.

But how do we determine what is good or bad, right or wrong? It’s through the lens of subjective interpretation, colored by our beliefs, values, and social conditioning. We assign meaning to our experiences, filtering them through the sieve of our perceptions and biases. Yet, this process is inherently flawed, as our interpretations often lack the depth and nuance to capture the complexities of reality.

In retrospect, we may rationalize our actions, weaving a narrative that justifies our choices and minimizes cognitive dissonance. This tendency to twist reality to fit our narrative serves as a coping mechanism, shielding us from the discomfort of acknowledging our shortcomings.

However, we are able to change our mindset, by reframing how we think about things, by taking responsibility for our actions instead of adopting a victim mentality, by being resourceful, and by finding a big enough reason (or enough reasons) to initiate momentum towards positive change. We need to generate enough enthusiasm to overcome any resistance to change that may hold us back. This is often fueled by the fear of the unknown, uncertainty, loss, embarrassment, and an evolutionary desire to conserve energy in times of uncertainty.

Fear, instead of being an obstacle, can be harnessed as a catalyst for growth, propelling us forward into uncharted territory. By getting the fear of regret or fear of missing out (FOMO) behind us, we can use it to towards our goals.

Embracing chaos and complexity, we embark on the hero’s journey, confronting our fears and building competency through incremental, but continuous progress. Armed with knowledge, motivation, and productivity tools, we navigate the twists and turns of life, aiming for the highest good while standing on the border between our comfort zone and unknown territory.

In this ever-evolving dance of approach and avoidance, let us dare to venture bravely into the unknown, armed with the wisdom to differentiate the monsters that are from the monsters that could be. For it is in the journey itself that we discover the true essence of our humanity and the limitless potential that lies within.

A closer Look at Oscar Wilde’s Quote: Two Tragedies in Life …

“There are only two great tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want and the other is getting it.” — Oscar Wilde
“There are only two great tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want and the other is getting it.” — Oscar Wilde

This quote by Oscar Wilde reflects on the dual nature of life’s potential tragedies. Let’s break it down:

“One is not getting what you want”: The first tragedy refers to the disappointment and sorrow that come from unfulfilled desires and aspirations. Failing to achieve one’s goals or obtain what one desires can be a source of profound sadness and regret.

“The other is getting it”: The second tragedy is more subtle. It suggests that obtaining what one desires can also be a source of tragedy. This could be due to the unexpected consequences, responsibilities, or challenges that come with achieving one’s goals. Success may not always bring the fulfillment or happiness one anticipated, and the reality of attaining one’s desires may turn out to be less satisfying than expected.

In essence, Wilde’s quote highlights the complex and often contradictory nature of human desires and the potential for both disappointment in not achieving them and unexpected challenges in achieving them. It encourages reflection on the nature of personal goals and the broader implications of success and failure in the pursuit of those goals.

Order, Chaos Interrupts Order, and Response

Get Results: expand comfort zone through discomfort
Get Results: expand comfort zone through discomfort

We, humans, navigate the world using schemas, conceptualisations, and abstractions that help us simplify the world, so we don’t get overwhelmed by its complexity, but that allows us to map the world around us well enough to predict cause-and-effect relationships. What we mustn’t do is mistake the map for the territory.

At a very high abstract level, we often see the following pattern at work…

  • Order – safe space. the world we are familiar with
  • Chaos – is all the unknown territory that surrounds the safe space we inhabit. It’s all the complexity we’re shielded from
  • Chaos interrupts order – inevitably order is invaded by chaos.
  • How to respond – the question is how we respond to the interruption.

Whenever things don’t work out as planned, the car breaks down, the relationship goes down the pan, the business we put so much effort into fails, all these are examples of chaos invading order.

We live our lives on a knife edge, and as the saying goes, it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you deal with it.

We have seen so many films, and read numerous books that reflect these dynamics in action. Here’s a short story, which I hope highlights how this pattern plays out.

A short story of order and chaos

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Metropolis, there lived a young and ambitious entrepreneur named Alex. Alex had always been captivated by the world of business and dreamed of establishing a successful company of his own. With a relentless determination and an innate ability to organize and strategise, Alex embraced order in his life.

Driven by his passion, Alex meticulously planned every step of his entrepreneurial journey. He diligently researched market trends, analyzed potential risks, and developed a solid business plan. With a clear vision in mind, he began laying the foundations of his company, diligently adhering to his structured approach.

As the business began to take shape, the first few months were marked by remarkable success. Clients were drawn to Alex’s professionalism and meticulous attention to detail. Orders poured in, and the company steadily gained recognition and respect within the industry. Alex’s commitment to order and organisation seemed to be paying off.

However, amidst the triumphant atmosphere, chaos lurked in the shadows, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Unexpectedly, a major supplier failed to deliver a critical component essential for the production of Alex’s flagship product. Chaos had interrupted his carefully organized operations.

Staring at the obstacle before him, Alex felt a surge of panic. He had meticulously planned for every foreseeable scenario, but this unforeseen disruption threatened to throw everything off balance. In that moment, Alex faced a critical decision—how to respond to the chaos that had disrupted his ordered life.

Instead of succumbing to despair, Alex chose to confront the chaos head-on. He rallied his team, encouraging open communication and brainstorming sessions to find alternative solutions. Alex reached out to other suppliers, forging new partnerships to ensure the uninterrupted flow of materials. The chaos had interrupted his order, but it had also presented an opportunity for growth, innovation, and new relationships.

As time passed, Alex’s response to chaos proved to be a turning point for his business. The experience forced him to think outside the box and embrace flexibility in his approach. He realized that even the most meticulously planned endeavors can be vulnerable to unpredictable disruptions. By adapting to the challenges, He discovered new avenues for improvement and expansion.

In the face of chaos, Alex’s business not only survived but thrived. The company emerged stronger, more resilient, and adaptable. The initial disruption became a catalyst for innovation and propelled Alex’s business to new heights. Through his unwavering determination and ability to respond to chaos, he had transformed his dreams into a resounding success.

Alex’s journey serves as a testament to the power of order and the ability to navigate chaos. By maintaining a strong foundation of organization and planning, he was able to weather unexpected storms and emerge victorious. His story inspires aspiring entrepreneurs to embrace the balance between order and chaos, recognising that it is through chaos that true growth and success can be achieved.

End of story

So it’s important to realise that the #1 order, #2 chaos invading order, #3 response pattern is an intrinsic part of everybody’s lives, and we should not fear it, but embrace the opportunity of growth and improvement it presents us with.

Overcoming The Status Quo

Get Results: force field analysis
Get Results: force field analysis

The status quo seems to have around it some kind of gravity force, which holds us back from moving away from it, towards our goals.

It’s the duel force of fear and anxiety which comes along with the uncertainty of what might lay ahead, particularly when we’re doing something different or new.

It’s so much easier to play safe and stick with our current routine. In our present situation or circumstance we know what to expect, and we know we can deal with most eventualities. There is nothing too scarey to worry about.

Humans don’t deal well with change, it’s fear inducing to trample unexplored territory. There are too many monsters lurking in the darkness, metaphorically speaking.

Our survival instincts have conditioned our brains to avoid anomaly and change at all costs, and the easiest way to do this is to play it safe. Do what we know and keep doing it as long as we can.

At the same time, we like to experience good surprises, like the unexpectedly win or gain of something we value. So uncertainty is good as long as it’s a promise of good.

So wandering away from the status quo is possible, providing we have something positive enough to aim for.

All change has within it, potential, which can be either good or bad. There are risks and dangers, as well as possibilities and opportunities.

We have to find a positive reason to make change, and we have to have the vision of a better alternative than the one we are currently experiencing.

We also have to believe that the cost of not pursuing our goals will deliver such regret that we just won’t be able to bear it in the years to come. This kind of fear propels us forward, rather than holds us back.

Finding the motivation to take action is all about shifting mindset. It’s about hacking the way we think, from something that holds us hostage, into something that opens us up to a new, exciting way forward.

If you want something enough, you’ll find a way, if not, then maybe you just didn’t want it enough.

Deal with Change 

Get Results: when you change inside
Get Results: when you change inside

Reframe the story you tell yourself about change.

Let’s assume you want to start your own business, and someone close to you tells you to stick it out where you currently are. After all, you’ve got a regular pay check, you know what you’re doing, you get on with colleagues, and you’re comfortable and safe.

They want to protect you, they don’t want you to suffer because they love you. This resonates with you because the same conflict is going on inside your head.

Doubts are designed to warn you of the potential dangers you may face and paying attention to them is wise. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go ahead, it just means your plan needs to keep the pitfalls in mind, to mitigate them as much as possible.

The unknown is uncomfortable and exciting at the same time.

You feel alive because there is uncharted territory ahead, it’s a natural reaction, in the same way as a surprise or something unexpected grabs your attention from the slumber of your familiar routine. We have evolved to pay attention to change, to different, to new, because they are unknown.

The unknown has significance. Suddenly there is uncertainty, and risk, and you need to pay attention to it in case it hurts you. But don’t quit because of it. You can’t do anything different or new without encountering some level of unknown.

As well as paying attention to the possible dangers, give thought to the opportunities and possibilities that come out of change. You become more by experiencing more. Even failure can be a great teacher, so don’t fear it, just plan to mitigate it where possible.

The status quo is a lie, change is inevitable, whether you accept it our not. Face change, deal with change, take advantage of change.

Be a predator of chance rather than a victim of circumstance.

Politics is all about division, don’t get dragged into the drama

Get Results: don't argue with someone who believes their own lies
Get Results: don’t argue with someone who believes their own lies

Politics is very emotive because “division” is an important aspect of the human Ego.

The Ego’s default inclination is to either..

  • Seek ATTACHMENT or
  • SEPARATION, particularly when we’re not psychologically awake to what is happening.

Let’s just take a second to review how Attachment works – it inflates (false) sense of self – if we psychologically “have” more, we “are” more.

Separation works by also inflating (false) sense of self – by separating, we make an “other”, and there is no greater “other” than an “enemy”. We criticise, complain about an “other”, implying we are superior in some way.

So politics is about attaching to a party that represents our beliefs, our desires and goals, while separating from parties that don’t connect with us.

Because these things are important to us, they come with great emotion.
We become tribalist behind the ideologies of one party at the expense of others.

But politics isn’t as black or white as politicians and the media would have us believe.

Mainstream media is a hugely influential force, when it comes to shaping public opinion.

But it’s important to understand that the media craves drama, discourse, division and headline-making news, in the most emotive way possible. It does so because these things attract and engage viewers, and in doing so, the media can make money from sponsors and advertisers and justifies its existence to stakeholders.

As the public, we need not take sides, or get dragged into the overblown drama of the media.

If you’re emotional about something, anything, there is an underlying attachment at the heart of that emotion. Check out the following story to illustrate what I mean.

Mike is watching the news, sees a program where keir Starmer criticises Boris johnson with regards to one of his policies; the details aren’t important for the purpose of this story.

This elicits a negative reaction by Mike, as if he were being personally, verbally attacked himself.

But why does he have this response?

Mike is attached to Boris Johnson in some way – not to him personally, because he’s not a big fan of him as a leader. Mike is attached to some of his policies. Mike likes what he believes Johnson is trying to “do for” the country

Mike believes Johnson is going to try and “reform government” – which is important to Mike.

Mike believes Johnson is going to invest in northern towns and cities – by redistribute wealth to poorer, undeveloped areas, as he promised.

Mike believe Johnson represents “something important to him”

Mike reacts to an attack on his attachment; what he believes Johnson stands for.

Mike doesn’t want Johnson’s “mission derailing”

Mike is really attached to what he believes…

  • Johnson stands for
  • Johnson represents
  • Johnson will do for the country and for him personally

Which is…

  • #1 – Reform government
  • #2 – Investment in northern towns and cities – redistribute wealth to poorer areas.

Mike is putting faith in the person rather than the system. He may not trust the system.

Does the Johnson have the power to deliver on his promises? Does Johnson have the will to do this? Does Mike trust Johnson’s intent, capabilities, trustworthiness.

Remember, we judge politicians on the basis of their…

  • Politics,
  • Policies,
  • Promises,
  • Personality – intent, capability, credibility, trustworthiness, likeability

Mikes beliefs, in this instance, are based on FAITH rather than certainty and habit.

So it is with all of us, when we’re trying to make decisions about future events or situations, we can’t know with any certainty that we’re doing the right thing. We may give a leader or party the benefit of the doubt, but faith is usually what our beliefs are founded on.

I guess we could vote a particular way based on habit; we voted for them last time, we’ll vote for them again, or family vote for a particular party, so we do the same.

We might decide not to vote at all.

After all is said and done, whether you’re engaged in politics or not, it affects every facet of everybody’s lives.

Whatever your political persuasion, it’s important to understand the roles that all the participants play; politicians, media and the public.

It’s equally important to see through the often overblown drama stirred up by the media. They are running a business with their own agenda. Drama pays the bills for these organisations.

It’s equally important to understand that competing political parties are maneuvering for political power. It is in their interests to disagree with one another, to find fault in one another for their own political gain.

However, there is a difference between point scoring and holding each other to account, which is an important part of the political process. We want government to be scrutinised and held-to-account by other parties and the media, for their promises and actions.

But understand the underlying motives and learn to read between the lines. Scrutiny is good, point scoring, and political maneuvering is bad and self-serving by the politicians.

We shouldn’t focus on taking sides, by falling behind one party or the other and attaching with a vice-like-grip to a political position or engage in party politics. What we need to do, as a society, is to hold all politicians to account. Utilise the best policies based on merit and the reality of human nature in reaction to those policies, rather than ideology alone.  We need to ensure politicians deliver on promises with effective execution. Question whether the policies are doable, and the politicians capable, and we should base these judgements on merit, not ideology.

Let Quote Graphics Inspire Action

Get Results: be the hero of your own story
Get Results: be the hero of your own story

Reading quotes helps reshape beliefs and these are the foundation of motivation.

They can make a big difference in any journey for success.

Motivation is often the very thing that gets blocked and prevents you trying for your goals and dreams.

To take action you must be motivated, and to be motivated you must have congruent beliefs;

#1 – This is what you want, and

#2 – You can do it.

If either of these beliefs are absent from your belief system, you won’t take action.

Well formed quote graphics can help you look at your situation in a different way, to think about it from a different perceptive, to inspire you to take action. It helps you create a different story, or a different narrative on an old story.

A different story, analogy or metaphor, alongside an open mind can reshape or sidestep those disempowering beliefs, which are holding you back.

The first disempowering belief many of us are guilty of holding, is…

“I can’t do this!”

Or some variation of this such as..

“I don’t have the experience!”

“I don’t have the resources!”

Here are a few quotes from Jim Rohn to help you out of this mindset.

Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes get on the good side of life
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes get on the good side of life
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes
Get Results: Jim Rohn quotes

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Beliefs and Values: Be An Architect Of Your Future Not A Prisoner Of Your Past

Get Results: don't be a prisoner of your past
Get Results: don’t be a prisoner of your past

Subconscious Thoughts and Habits

Beliefs and the values that stem from them are conditioned into us as we grow up, by the society we live in, by the family we are closest to and any other influential parties we are exposed to in our lives.

Many such beliefs exist outside of conscious awareness within our subconscious knowledge pool. They affect every decision we make, often without us realising they are doing so.

While some beliefs serve us, there are many more that don’t. It’s important we improve self-awareness so that we can uncover subconscious counterproductive beliefs, thoughts and behaviours. These may include..

  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Limiting Values
  • Self sabotage
  • Social conditioning
  • Learned behaviours
  • Judgments
  • Habitual thoughts and thought patterns

“The subconscious is motivated by emotion.” Anything you have a strong feeling or emotional response to passes into the subconscious. This is how phobias are formed, a strong emotional reaction to a very unpleasant event is anchored into the subconscious. Also wishing for something with deep emotion (positive or negative) can be embedded in the subconscious.

Habits are formed through repetition, good habits or bad habits can be either habits of thought or habits of behaviour. Break the underlying belief that formed them, and which continues to hold them in place, and you can break the habit. Bad habits are usually best removed by forming good habits to replace them.

Looking under the hood of BELIEFS

BELIEFS are generally built on shaky foundations. Often based on nothing more than ASSUMPTIONS and INFERENCES, rather than EVIDENCE and FACTS.

Think about the strongly held beliefs you hold. Where did they come from?

We might take the testimony of experts as fact, but in reality we don’t know if we’re being deceived and lied to, because of some hidden agenda, that we’re not privy to.

My own experience, is peppered with examples of being deceived by authority figures and so-called experts who subsequently were found to be profiteering from me following their advice, without providing any real value for me, a case of smoke and mirrors. It happened to me when I first started investing in stocks and shares, trusting stock analysts and regulators, many of whom where exposed during the 2007-2008 financial crash. Be very wary about putting money into anything based on what people tell you. Do your own due diligence first, always.

So if expert testimony can’t be entirely trusted, and I include the media, politicians and big businesses in this, what can you believe, other than your own first hand experience.

Can you believe what a friend of a friend tells you, or your parents, or your colleagues?

Well you have to be the judge, but what I would say is question everything. Ask “How do you know?”, “Where is the proof?”. An healthy skepticism is always a good thing. Don’t be rushed into making a decision, if someone insists you decide now, walk away.

From BELIEFS come VALUES, which are the things we judge as being important to us, in which we invest a sense of ourselves. By selected these values we also infer their opposites, our dislikes, pet peeves and such.

What we deem as relevant and important to us, shapes what we pay attention to. As a result our PERCEPTIONS and PERSPECTIVE are greatly influenced by BELIEFS and VALUES. As are our EXPECTATIONS, ATTACHMENTS, JUDGMENTS, LIKES and DISLIKES, REACTIONS and EMOTIONS.

BELIEFS and VALUES are the foundation of how we live our lives, so it’s vitally important to ensure they are well founded and grounded.

Any beliefs that helps us move closer to achieving our goals are generally okay, but beliefs that hold us back, need addressing.

Get Results: change perspective
Get Results: change perspective

Get out of your own way

Fears, self-doubts, insecurities, expectations and preferences are getting in the way, they are closing up the channel, blocking the bandwidth. It’s time to leave the prison of the mind. It’s not a matter of gaining anything, in fact it’s about losing everything that is cluttering up your life and stopping you achieving your GOALS.

Get Results: Awakening: use thought don't be used by it
Get Results: Awakening: use thought don’t be used by it

Acquiring Knowledge

Get Results: no end to knowledge
Get Results: no end to knowledge

One of the building blocks to getting results is the “acquisition of knowledge”.

In philosophy, the study of knowledge is called Epistemology and the definition of knowledge most popular with Epistemologist, came from Plato who famously defined it as “True Belief with Logos (a reason)”, or “justified true belief”.

So now that we’ve defined what knowledge is, how do we acquire it?

More often than not, knowledge is acquired through the testimony of other people.

Generally we learn through the people we share our lives with. Those who have greatest influence on us growing up, are parents, siblings, friends, teachers, authority figure, who we look to and trust. More widely, we take knowledge from the media and science as reliable sources of knowledge. Although many people question the honesty of media these days.

There is knowledge about the fact of things. Things like the earth is round, things fall to the ground because of gravity, your name is [whatever your name is], your birth date is [whatever it is], you are male or female. We believe them and they are accurate, so we have knowledge, providing we haven’t been lied to about them.

There are also beliefs that come out of inference. Your parents might say to you “None of our family are rich, people like us just don’t get rich, so you’re not likely to get rich either”. The knowledge that “none of our family are rich”, might be accurate, but the inferences that “people like us don’t get rich, so you’re not likely to get rich either”, can’t be counted as knowledge, they are not fact, but they may well be believed.  Many self-limiting beliefs are formed this way. We hold them as truth, we may count them as knowledge, but they are not, they are no truer than saying “none of our family are rich, but there is nothing stopping us getting rich, with education, effort and a sound plan of action, you can be as rich as you want to be.”

When we’re considering moving away from what we’re currently doing, to go somewhere else, or do something else, whether that is building a new career, starting a new business, moving to live somewhere new, whatever it is, there is likely to be a requirement to gain some new insights, learn some new knowledge, to help us along the way.

So we require finding reliable sources of accurate information to help us do that. We are also required to have enough self-belief and self-confidence to take action. If you don’t believe you can do it, you’re unlikely to put yourself in the way of possible failure and disappointment.

Social conditioning includes all the sources of testimony of knowledge we’ve identified previously; parents, teachers, peers etc. The term social conditioning also includes negative connotations, particularly concerned around somewhat restrictive, self-limiting beliefs we may have picked up along the way.

If we haven’t experienced it directly, we’ve all heard of people who have been told they won’t amount to much, or shouldn’t try to stretch themselves, so as not to experience disappointment and failure. If we take these kind beliefs onboard, they can become intertwined with our knowledge and it can be hard unpicking fact from fiction.

So, the way ahead includes finding reliable sources of accurate information, and unpicking your limiting beliefs enough to find the confidence to take the necessary action to follow your dreams, or at the very least, chase down your goals.

We now have more access to knowledge than ever before. We can learn so much through the internet these days. There is soo much information available, the biggest problem is there is also a lot of dross and misleading information to wade through, and it’s difficult to identify who and what to believe and who and what to ignore.

We need to find sources of information who have credibility, ideally people who have done what it is we want to do, and so have direct knowledge about what is required, or what was required for them to do it. They have a track record that we can model. We may call these people role models, or if we can get personal access to them, even mentors.

We need to make sure sources of information and knowledge are not serving some hidden agenda, which doesn’t have our best interests at heart. Sure there lots of courses out there that will teach you to do something, but there are many more who promise to give you the world, to make you rich, but who have no intention of doing anything other than lining their own pockets. When you spend a certain amount of time online you begin to recognise the signs to watch out for. These often include outrageous claims of success. The general rule applies, that if it sounds too good to be true, or promises to be really easy, then you can bet it’s a scam more often than not.

Remember one thing, the road to success is a journey, try to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Learn your trade, keep trying to make improvements,  so you grow into the person you need to be to succeed, and don’t look for shortcuts. There are very few overnight successes in any areas of life.

So, in summary, learn the difference between knowledge that is fact, and beliefs that you treat as knowledge, but aren’t and that often only serve to hold you back from chasing down your goals.

Find reliable sources of accurate information and knowledge, which helps move you closer to achieving your goals.