How you think about things can be either liberating or constraining, depending on your approach.
Both of these can be good and bad—liberation is a sense of freedom to do whatever you want, but freedom requires some degree of responsibility to be able to focus and constrain if it’s ever going to be productively useful. On the other hand, constraints can be too limiting, in the negative, but do provide some structure and stability, and give you something to metaphorically hold onto.
Think of it like the difference between being in the middle of a deep ocean without any floatation device to hold onto, compared to being in a small pool with a handrail within easy reach.
Freedom to be anything and do anything can be debilitating and overwhelming if there’s too much of it, and particularly if you have nothing to guide you or hold onto. In archetypal terms, it’s too much chaos and not enough order.
It is said our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, and the way we think does indeed map onto society. Society provides structure, support, and guide rails, while simultaneously reducing the individual’s freedoms, constraining, and forcing conformation, and that’s only to be expected because it can’t give you freedom and stability to the same intensity, at the same time. It’s a trade-off—more freedom means less structure, and vice versa.
Some people want more government support, and more government interventions, they seem to want governments to look after them more and more these days, but this subsequently means they have less freedom. More of one means less of another, it’s a trade-off between the two.
I sometimes hear people foolishly calling to tear the government down, but overthrowing it means the end of any structure, and support, and more chaos. It’s like finding yourself in the middle of an ocean scenario. Revolution sounds empowering, when it’s anything but, especially as people today seem increasingly dependent on guide rails to support them.
It’s all about balance, different people have different tolerances. Some want more support and less freedom, they tend to be more close-minded and rigid in their thinking. Others want more freedom and less support, they’d call it interference mind you, they tend to be more open-minded and free-thinking. But some people are just not thinking it through sufficiently, they need to get their thinking straight, they want more of both, more freedom and more support, but in reality, it doesn’t work like that.