Self imposed limitations are the stories we tell ourselves why we can’t do something, or can’t reach a certain level..
- People won’t like me
- I don’t know enough
- I’m not an expert in the field
- I’m no good at writing
- I’m not good at running a website
- I don’t have the money
- I don’t have the time
- I don’t have the resources
- I’m not thick skinned enough to be able to deal with any criticism that might come my way
- I don’t have the talent to earn £500k a year
These stories start with “I don’t”, “I can’t” , “I’m not”, so look out for them.
These are all reasons why you shouldn’t take action, so you don’t get hurt. They are designed to protect you from failure. They are coping excuses for not pursuing your goals and feeling okay about it. Coping excuses are one of the main reasons goals don’t get chased down.
Tell yourself more empowering stories. Stop trying to protect yourself from everyone else, start protecting yourself from yourself. Get out of your own way, because deep down you are your own worst enemy.
Failure isn’t something to fear, it is an opportunity to learn what doesn’t work, so you can get closer to what does work.
Failing often, means your pushing boundaries, you’re trying things out.
The worst thing is making all the same mistakes, over and over again.
Just make sure you’re listening to the market, to the feedback it gives you, even if it’s critical and be prepared to pivot when necessary.
A caveat here though, figure out what you are truly good at, ideally something you also like doing, and what you’re not so good at. It is a case of horses for courses, you can’t be great at everything, so be honest with yourself, enlist of people close to you, who will give you honest feedback, or let the market tell you. Improving your self awareness is a critical first step for success. You can then focus on your strengths and enlist the help of people who are better at the things you’re not so good at, or figure out a way forward that better suits your unique skills set.
For more about coping strategies, click here.