This video from Uplift talks about dealing with your inner world to improve your outer world, after all your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. Self awareness is a very powerful skill to develop.
This is a great video detailing how to be effective in your meditation practice. Susan Piver talks you through her recommended mediation process.
Place attention on your breath,
Openness – allow your thoughts to be as they are. Don’t try to fight them coming and going, just don’t let them distract you,
When you notice you are being distracted, let it go. There is nothing to hold onto.
If you’re interested in persuasion, this is a must watch for you.
Watching This Video From Alan Watts Will Help You To No Longer Fear Death
Jim Carrey is a multi talented guy, as well as being hilariously funny in films like Dumb and dumber, Ace Ventura and many other popular movies, Jim is a great motivational speaker. This is one of his best talks, about how to think about living your life, enjoy
We are all the same under our “labels”, we are all members of the human race. Our “labels” act to separate and divide us, they try to fool us into thinking we are different to others, but in reality these labels are lies. We are more than our names, ages, race, religion, politics, our country of origin.. we are more than the colour of our skin. We are one, we are the human race….check out the video above for more insight.
Posted by Get Lasting Results on Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Goal setting is a key component for improvement. After-all you need to have at least an idea of the direction you’re heading. A direction-less life, without purpose is one without passion. Find out more about goal setting here
The model above illustrates how improving the quality of our lives, starts with our thoughts.
Don’t take my word for it, think about your own experiences. What are the thoughts you have, the beliefs and values you hold? Where do they come from? They come from your experiences of life, through what you see and hear, how people and life treats you. Your upbringing, your relationships etc.
These experiences depend on your actions. The things you say, and do. Your impact on the people and world around you. What shapes your actions?
Your thoughts, the things you think about. The things that matter to you. Your beliefs values, opinions…. and so the cycle continues.
Let’s look at a couple of examples to illustrate the process.
If someone is extremely rude to you (experience), you may feel angry and this will influence your feelings and emotions (thoughts), you may keep playing the event over and over in your mind, fuelling the feeling of anger (thoughts). If this anger is intense you may display it in your behaviour (actions). You may snap at your nearest and dearest, who snaps back causing an argument (experience), further fuelling anger (thoughts), and so the cycle continues, unless something breaks it.
Let’s look at another example. Let’s imagine you have been cheated on by your ex-lover (experience), who you really cared about. You are still upset and distrustful of the opposite sex as a result (thoughts) even though a few months have passed since it happened, you are then asked out by someone else, but you turn them down, because you are not yet ready and still somewhat distrustful of the opposite sex (action), the person doesn’t approach you again, in fact avoids you like the plague in future (experience), yet they may have been the love of your life for all you know. You are failing to move on because of what’s going on in your head (thoughts), thoughts that relate to someone else, and nothing to do with the person that asked you out. Now it might be a good idea not to jump from one relationship straight into another, it is probably sensible, for a while at least, but on the other hand you might be craving a relationship (thoughts), but are fearful of committing again (actions) to someone in case you get hurt again. This means you stay single (experience) and miserable (thoughts). This cycle then becomes problematic, and unless you make the necessary changes to your thoughts, you are going to impact your experience of relationships going forward.
Think about the areas of your life you are struggling with. Go through the thoughts you have about them, the actions that result from your thoughts, and the experiences that are a consequence of your actions.
How do you break the cycle? You either move out of thought, out of your Ego, your mind, whatever you want to call it and rise into the spiritual plane. If you don’t buy into spirituality, then concentrate on addressing your thoughts, examine why you think what you do. Where your values, beliefs, thoughts, opinions and the like, come from and if they really make sense for you and your goal(s). Make positive changes to your thoughts and the rest will follow.
If your EXPERIENCES aren’t what you want, look at your ACTIONS and try to identify what you need to be doing to create the EXPERIENCES you’re wishing for. Then once you’ve identified these, go back and check that your THOUGHTS (beliefs and values etc) are aligned in such a way as to motivate those necessary ACTIONS.
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Calories are units of energy, we are using the term for the purpose of this article to describe the amount of energy that we either consume in the food that we eat or burn off as we go about our daily routines. They are generally measured in kilocalories (Kcal), which are made up of 1000 small calories otherwise known as gram calories. check out a full explanation of what a calorie is on Wikipedia
It is important to maintain an healthy weight and we do this by maintaining a balance between the calories we eat and the calories we burn, in other words we need to consume only as many calories as we use up, and no more.
Consuming more calories that we burn off results in weight gain, consuming less calories than we burn off means we loose weight, but is dangerous long term because continually consuming less calories than we need will result in illness, and even death.
The difficulty we all struggle with is accurately knowing how many calories are contained in the food we eat and how many calories we are burning as we go about our lives, so that we can determine a good balance between the two.
Consuming Calories
The Food industry uses average values to determine what calories are contained in our food, these are:
4 calories per gram of fat
4 calories per gram of carbohydrates
9 calories per gram of protein
Most processed foods contain nutritional information on the packaging regarding the contents of the food we buy and this gives us a better idea of what we are consuming. Below is a list of common foods and their calorie content to help you determine for yourself what is calorie dense and what is not. If you divide the calories figure by the serving size gram figure you will get the calories per gram figure which makes comparing much easier.
Serving size
Calories per g
Jacket potato
Chicken salad sandwich
1 pack/195g
Garlic bread (low fat)
Chicken tikka
Naan bread
1/2 piece
Big Mac
Cheeseburger from Macdonalds
Milk (semi skimmed)
30ml/1 fl oz
Cheddar cheese
Eggs size 3
1 cup/220ml
Can of coke
1 mug/270 ml
Yoghurt strawberry
1 pot /200g
Cheese and onion crisps
1 bag /35g
Mars bar
kit kat
2 finger bar / 21g
Chicken breast
Pork chops
1 oz /28g
Pint of beer
1 pint (568ml)
1 glass/120ml
Vodka 40% alcohol
25 ml
I don’t think there are many surprises from these figures, fruit and vegetables contain less calories, diary products are very calorie dense as are meats and chocolates. I was initially a little shocked at the difference between beer and vodka, but soon realised that most of a pint of beer is water in reality, where vodka is much less diluted.
Burning Calories
We burn calories even if we lay in bed all day. This is our basal metabolic rate and are the calories we burn just to keep our bodily functions and organs going. You can work out your basal metabolic rate here.
So we have our basal metabolic rate as a starting point, then any movement, whether walking, doing house work, going to the gym, walking etc adds to the amount of calories that we burn.
We burn 60-90 calories per hour while resting, which is at one end of the spectrum, and upto 20 calories per minute doing intense exercise at the other end, with all other activities somewhere between these two.
Another factor which impacts the rate in which calories are burned, includes the size of a person, the bigger you are the more calories you will burn. Men tend to burn more calories than women do.
Striking a balance between calories in and calories out
Mind Games
Our minds can play tricks on us with regards to how hungry we feel. During an experiment conducted by the BBC who wanted to see how the labelling and presentation of food would affect how people would feel after consuming it. They separated twins into two groups one group was presented with a drink which was labelled as an indulgent drink containing 900 calories per bottle and was labelled to reflect this. The second group was presented with an healthy drink containing just 200 calories and labelled accordingly. The drink was in fact the same in both groups.
The results showed that when they thought it was an healthy/low calorie option they tended to feel hungry quicker, compared to when it was considered an indulgent, high calorie option. The findings suggested that our minds affect how we interpret physical feelings of hunger.
Substituting high calories with lower calorie options
One way of lowering our calorie intake is by replacing high calorie foods with lower calorie substitutes. This can be a more palatable option than simply cutting down on the amount we eat or simply cutting out certain high calorie meals altogether. For instance if you’re making bangers and mash use double cream instead of butter, use parsnips and swedes to replace some of the potato.
Other tactics
If you’re making Steak and chips, shake the oils from the chips more vigorously, lower the portion size of the chips (portion control), cook the steak for less time which makes the steak harder to digest and thus uses more calories during the digestive process.
We only absorb half of the calories from foods rich in fibre, the rest passes through our system, undigested.
Feeling fuller for longer
Some fibre absorbs water in our stomach, and this helps make us feel fuller for longer. Protein also makes you feel fuller for longer. Consume more liquid type foods such as soups which tend to make us feel fuller. Drink more water, this also aids the feeling of being full.
The bottom line to weight loss is to burn more and eat less calories, how you go about this is entirely up to you, it’s about making lots of little changes in diet and activity levels so you can tip the balance in your favour.
Check out our Ultimate Weight loss guide below for more tips on losing those extra pounds.
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I went for a walk earlier today, it’s something I do 4-5 times a week, and have done so for most of the last 12 months. I go walking around a flash locally known as Amberswood. It’s a lovely walk, and I enjoy my time surrounded by nature. I have become accustomed to seeing a family of swans living on the water. I have seen the cygnets growing up, and I must admit it has added a great deal of pleasure to my walk to see the family each day.
For the last couple of days however I have noticed the swans have been missing and the flash seems somewhat empty without them. There are still ducks on the water, but it doesn’t seem the same without the family of swans being there. I am assuming they have migrated for the winter,
I suddenly realised that I had formed an attachment to the swans without even realising it, and am now missing them being around, resulting in a feeling of sadness. This got me to thinking about how we humans form attachments which can often go on to develop into deeper emotional relationships. I came to the conclusion that if something is #1 – a regular part of our lives and #2- it adds some pleasure to it, then we are inclined to form an attachment to that thing.
I don’t think that an attachment would form with either of these elements missing.
I guess this is how brands try to embed themselves into our lives. They appear to us regularly through marketing campaigns, and attempt to provide a positive contribution to our existence. How else would you explain the longevity of brands such as Heinz, Kellogg’s, Cadbury’s and the like and how we have a great fondness for them, and seek them out when shopping.
These kinds of attachments don’t usually develop into anything emotionally deeper than a fondness, but they do form as attachments in the same way as deeper relationships would have started out. An attachment is an attachment whether it be to a person, a thing, an idea, an affiliation, or a family of swans. The difference lies in the strength of that attachment and how deeply it embeds into our sense of self, over time.
Lesson Learned
The lesson to learn from this realisation is to be wary of wolves in sheep’s clothing trying to manipulate their way into our hearts. Make sure your attachments are worthy of your feelings.
Get Results: If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough
An Elevator pitch is designed to describe your value proposition in a short one sentence summary that gets to the heart of the matter and opens up your audience to ask follow up questions, by making them curious to find out more. What it also forces you to do is completely understand what you are offering to prospects, as the quote above states, if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it enough, and if you don’t understand it enough, how do you expect prospects to?
To construct your elevator pitch answer the following set of questions:
Who are you? – I’m Mike
What you love to do? (what do you feel supremely qualified to teach other people) – Provide business solutions
Who do you do it for? – Small business owners
What do those people want or need? Run more successful businesses
How do they change or transform as a result of what you give them? -Have a better quality of life
Now put this all together into a sentence – “I’m Mike, I provide business solutions to small business owners so they can run more successful businesses, and have a better quality of life”
Only the first 2 are about yourself the others are about other people. The most successful people focus on other people.
When answering “What do you do?” answer by starting with the last point “I help small business owners enjoy a better quality of life”, this opens up the conversation and begs a follow up question.
Get Results: Elevator pitch construction
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One of the first things I learned in business was the principle of adding value. Adding value is about bringing something to the table that customers will pay you for. In business it can involve adding convenience, by saving your customers’ time, money, resources, energy.
It can be closer-to-hand, on-demand, just-in-time. It can make things easier for customers, saving them effort, worry, frustration. It can provide them with expertise and knowledge to help them get better results. It can help people get closer to their goals by increasing efficiency, motivation and productivity or help them be more effective in their goal seeking. It can help them solve problems, such as medicines do for the ill, or losing weight, being healthier and fitter, or unblocking bottle necks from their production processes. It can make people feel better about themselves by adding prestige and luxury to their lives. Adding value can involve increasing quality, reliability, durability to something they purchase.
Get Results: Add Value
List of value added characteristics
Newness – satisfying an entirely new set of needs that customers previously didn’t perceive because there was no similar offering. i.e. cell phones
Performance – improving product or service performance i.e. PCs
Customization – tailoring products and services to the specific needs of individual customers.
“Getting the job done” – helping customers get certain jobs done i.e. rolls Royce servicing jet engines for airlines
Design – getting a product to stand out with superior design
Brand/status – finding value in the simple act of using or displaying a specific brand i.e. wearing a Rolex watch signifies wealth.
Price – offering a similar value at a lower price to satisfy the needs of price sensitive customer segments.
Cost reduction – helping customers reduce costs is an important way to create value. i.e. sells a hosted CRM application. This relieves buyers from the expense and trouble of having to buy, install and manage CRM software themselves.
Risk reduction – reducing the risk of purchasing products of services. i.e. for a used car buyer, a one year service guarantee reduces the risk of post purchase breakdowns and repairs.
Accessibility – making products and services available to customers who previously lacked access to them. i.e. netjets popularised fractional private jet ownership.
Convenience/usability – making things more convenient. i.e. ipod and itunes offered unprecedented convenience searching, buying, downloading and listening to digital music.
Adding Value in Relationships
In a personal situation, adding value can be done through friendship, by supporting, listening, understanding, caring, encouraging, not putting friends down or making fun of them, or defending them when someone else does. Being fun to be around, and adding to others’ lives rather than taking away from them. Friendships are about connecting emotionally, being empathetic, and authentic. Keeping your word, keeping a secret when you are asked to. It’s about giving them your time, attention, your love and sincerity.
Adding Value for Strangers
Add value to strangers by smiling at passers-by and saying hello, being considerate, friendly, courteous, pleasant. Holding a door open for someone struggling with shopping, letting someone go in front of you when you can see that they are rushing.
The Bottom Line
At the most basic level, adding value is about adding something of value to another person’s life. No matter how large or small that value may be. It’s about making people feel better about their lives even just a moment of their life. Move them towards a better state of being. Move them away from worry, pain, frustration, unfulfilled, disappointment, feeling conflicted, angry, useless, resentful, dissatisfied, struggle, lack of.., limited, confused and towards pleasure, love, completeness, success, their goal, wealth, the realisation of something, triumph, progress, accomplishment, expansion, abundance, freedom, a breakthrough, a work-around, to survive or even thrive. Go out into the world and make it a better place for yourself and others by being a giver and not just a taker.
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Add Value Quotes
“Stop Selling, Start Helping.” – Zig Ziglar
“My mission is to add value. My attitude is of active curiosity, and my method is through relationships of trust.”
“Key to wealth: Provide more value than anyone else.”
“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” Albert Einstein
“I learned the value of hard work by working hard.” – Margaret Mead
“Add value to everyday. Sharpen your skills and your understanding.”
“If your presence doesn’t add value, your absence won’t make a difference.” – Zero Dean
“Find your passion, learn how to add value to it, and commit to a lifetime of learning.” – Ray Kurzweil
“Smiles ADD VALUE to our face, love ADDS VALUE to our heart, respect ADDS VALUE to our behaviour and friends and family ADD VALUE to our life.”
“The more value you add to the lives of others, the more valuable you become.” – Hal Elrod
“Price is what you pay, value is what you get.” – Warren Buffett
“Strive not to be a success, strive instead to be of value.” – Albert Einstein
“innovation is change that unlocks new value.” – Jamie Notter
“Never waste your feelings on people who don’t value them.”
“You add value to people when you value them.” – John C. Maxwell
“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.”
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”
“Be the type of energy that no matter where you go, you always add value to the spaces and lives around you.”
“Once you realize your worth, it will be easy to get go of those that don’t.”
The aim of writing a sales letter isn’t to impress the reader with stylish prose, but to present your sales pitch as clearly and logically as possible. Ask yourself, what your product does for the customer:
What problems does it solve?
How does it do this?
How can I prove its benefits?
What exactly does the products do?
Make notes, then write a list of the reasons why someone should buy your products. Use this list to form the spine of your writing and provide a seductive sequence of emotional and logical reasons why your readers should say “yes”.
Know who your customers are
It is critically important to understand who your customers are and who you are writing to, so that you can gauge how to pitch your words. You need to understand your customers motivations, what makes them happy, what makes them angry or fearful and what aspects of their life they want to improve, what they want to gain or avoid. The psychological triggers that make people buy are based on either
Logical motivations e.g. saving time, money or improving how they perform a task
Emotional feelings e.g. being more successful, popular or wealthy
When structuring your writing you need to identify how you can appeal to both these triggers.
How can you make the reader feel that buying your product will make them more popular or successful?
What are the practical reasons why it will be money well spent?
If you’re able to satisfy both triggers your writing will be able to tap into the powerful mental process that motivates people into buying products and services.
know the difference between your products benefits and features
knowing the difference between benefits and features will help you to aim your communication at the core issue in your customers mind, the underlying need or want, which will leverage your message to give maximum impact and move your customer into buying mode. Product features are simply the characteristic of a product, the things the product actually does or has, The features of a car might be having
air conditioning as standard.
economical on fuel
having Rolls Royce branding
anti lock brakes or ABS
while these are important to mention, they are simply the “means to the end ” they aren’t the underlying reason a customer buys. Using the feature list above we can identify the benefits:
Having ‘air conditioning as standard’ means being comfortable even on very hot and sunny days (comfort)
Being ‘economical on fuel’ means keeping more of your money to enjoy on the things that are important to you (enjoying more wealth)
Having “Rolls Royce branding ‘ means looking successful and wealthy (prestige)
Having ‘anti lock brakes or ABS’, means you and your loved ones are safer when you’re out on the road (safety)
A handy trick to find the benefits, is to add the phrase “which means…” to the end of each feature. The benefits from the list above are comfort, prestige, greater wealth, safety and security, and by highlighting the benefits, you are giving prospects a reason to want what you have to offer. So having done this preparation lets get on with how to structure your writing.
Structure – AIDA
Attention – the headline
In basic terms, your headline should clearly promise a benefit the reader will gain. This could be the promise of valuable information, how your product can solve a problem or how you can enrich the reader’s life.
“On average, five times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy. It follows that, unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90 percent of your money.” – David Ogilvy
You might be a copywriting genius, and composed a sales letter that can sell ice to eskimos. But if you can’t pull the reader into your writing then your compelling copy will merely be a waste of words.
Whether on the cover of a magazine, in a sales letter or on a web page, headlines are the most important element of persuasive writing. It’s your headline’s job to hook readers with the promise of a tasty reward that will reel them into devouring your copy. So let’s be clear: your headline must be able to attract the reader’s interest if your writing is going to have a chance of selling your product
“If you can come up with a good headline, you are almost sure to have a good ad. But even the greatest writer can’t save an ad with a poor headline.” – John Caples
Interest = benefit + curiosity
People are, by nature, motivated by pursuing their own objectives in life and what can benefit them personally. So they’ll only read your copy if they think there’s something in it for them.
This means your headline needs to offer the promise of a benefit the reader will gain from reading what you have to say. People are also curious, and headlines should feed on people’s curiosity by hinting at the benefits your writing offers. So whether it’s the promise of valuable information, solving a problem or a full proof money making scheme, your headline needs to offer the promise of a benefit and build curiosity if you’re going to reel in readers.
You’ll need to write as many benefit and curiosity laden headlines as you can. Some copywriters will write out over 100 before they settle on one they’re happy to use to bait their sales letter.
After you’ve settled on a winner, you can use your second and third choices as subheads to break up your copy and highlight your argument’s key points. A few headline ideas to get you started. Here are a few tried and tested headline formulas you can adapt:
Make a bold promise with a guarantee e.g. ‘Play the Piano in Seven Days or Your Money Back’
Provoke curiosity with a question e.g. ‘Do You Make These Mistakes in English?’ (Maxwell Sackheim)
Explain clearly what benefit your offering e.g. ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’ (Dale Carnegie)
Use a strong verb and a commanding tone of voice to suggest what action the reader can take e.g. ‘Win At Poker With These Strategies Used By The Pros’
Make a bold attention grabbing statement e.g. ‘Amazing Secret Discovered By One-Legged Golfer Adds 50 Yards To Your Drives, Eliminates Hooks And Slices…And Can Slash Up To 10 Strokes From Your Game Almost Overnight!’ (John Carlton)
Make a no frills news announcement e.g. ‘New Dimoxnyl Hair Tonic Grows Back Your Hair and Youthful Looks Overnight!’
Interest – the problem
After you’ve pulled the reader into your writing, you need to continue building interest in the promise you’ve already made.
This means stirring up the reader’s emotions, and poking at the pain you’ve offered to cure. Start by using emotive language to describe the reader’s problem. Create an image in the reader’s mind of the annoyances, inconveniences and shear pain the problem causes them in daily life.
You could open with stats and figures to show how the problem is more common than the reader might think. This can also help to create a sense of inclusion and to build the reader’s confidence that you know what you’re writing about. Describe how you or someone you know has had to cope with the problem . This will help to build a bond with them and a sense of empathy for their plight.
After you’ve finished stirring up the reader’s emotions, make a compelling promise of the tonic you have to sooth their pain and to entice their curiosity into reading further.
Desire – the solution
Now that you’ve created interest, you need to make good on your promises by explaining why your product is the answer to the reader’s problem. Work through the list of benefits you composed in earlier, Describe the emotional and logical rewards the reader can gain from your product.
Use the power of storytelling to describe how your product has improved someone’s life, such as saving them time, money or making them more successful. Heap benefit onto benefit, and provide logical reasons why they should buy what you’re selling, and why it’s superior to the other options available.
Explain the reasons why they need your product in a logical, rational sequence. And provide evidence, whenever possible, to add concrete to your claims. Remember that readers need logic to backup their emotional impulses.
When you’ve finished explaining all the benefits, provide the social proof of your offer with testimonials, stats and real world examples. And when you think your reader is wavering, throw a guarantee onto the pile to tip their indecisiveness in your favour. A limited time offer or money back guarantee might seem like cutting your profits. But guarantees are a powerful way of removing the sense of risk the reader might have that’s stopping them clicking on ‘buy’. Whilst you might receive a few refund requests, the number of additional sales you can attract with a guarantee should keep the bean counter weighed in your favour.
Action – telling the reader what to do next
After you’ve built the reader’s excitement about the rewards to be gained if they just say ‘yes’, you need to clearly tell them exactly what to do next. Whether it’s entering their email address, calling your sales team or buying that instant, make sure you tell the reader what to do if they want to reap the benefits you’ve promised.
Finally, you could end your sales letter or web page with a postscript (abbreviated to P.S.), thought to be the most read part of a sales letter after the headline. You can use the postscript to restate your offer, remind the reader you’re on their side and to add an additional benefit if they respond today (such as a discount or free eBook).
So, that’s the AIDA principle used by professional copywriters to structure their sales letters and web pages. The way in which it uses psychology to appeal to people’s personal motives makes it a powerful tool indeed. So use it wisely and responsibly.
How to Write Sales Letters that Sell is a great book for further reading on the subject of writing sales letters. Please be aware that all the books I recommend are books I have read myself. Although this link is my affiliate link, meaning I get paid a commission if you click through and buy, I only feature great books, that I believe, you will find interesting and offer great value for money. If you do click through and buy something from Amazon, let me thank you for your support.
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When it comes to pricing your products and services, there are many ways to go about it, two of the most common pricing methods used are cost-plus pricing and contribution margin-based pricing, but if you check the list below, there are many more options open to you. We will go through a long list of them in this article.
Pricing methods
Cost-plus pricing
Absorption pricing
Contribution margin-based pricing
Premium Pricing
Competition-based pricing
Marginal cost pricing
Predatory pricing
Odd value pricing or Psychological pricing
Dynamic pricing
Skimming (unique product/service and sell at high price),
Penetration pricing
Limit Pricing
Loss Leader
Economy pricing
Promotional Pricing
Captive product pricing
Optional product pricing
Psychological Pricing
Product Line Pricing
Geographical Pricing
Price leadership
Drip pricing
Target pricing
Value pricing
Cost-plus pricing
Cost-plus pricing is the simplest pricing method. The firm calculates the cost of producing the product and adds on a percentage (profit) to that price to give the selling price. This method although simple has two flaws; it takes no account of demand and there is no way of determining if potential customers will purchase the product at the calculated price.
Price = Cost of Production + Margin of Profit.
Absorption pricing
Absorption pricing is a method of pricing in which all costs are recovered. The price of the product includes the variable cost of each item plus a proportionate amount of the fixed costs. It is a form of cost-plus pricing.
Contribution margin-based pricing
Contribution margin-based pricing maximizes the amount of profit derived from an individual product, and is based on the margin between the product’s price and its variable costs, otherwise known as the contribution margin per unit. To calculate the figure you have to assume how many units of the product you are likely to sell at that price. There is an assumption to be made regarding the relationship between the product’s price and the number of units that can be sold at that price. The product’s contribution to the firms total profit (i.e., to operating income) is maximized when a price is chosen that maximizes the following: (contribution margin per unit) X (number of units sold).
Premium Pricing
Premium Pricing is used where there exists a uniqueness regarding the product or service and where a substantial competitive advance exists. Premium pricing is used by such luxury brands as Savoy Hotels, Rolls Royce and Prada.
Competition-based pricing
Competition-based pricing comes about when setting the price based upon prices of the similar competitor products. Competitive pricing is based on three types of competitive product:
Products which have a lasting distinctiveness from competitor’s product. Here we can assume
The product has low price elasticity.
The product has low cross elasticity.
The demand of the product will rise.
Products have perishable distinctiveness from competitor’s product, assuming the product features are medium distinctiveness.
Products have little distinctiveness from competitor’s product. assuming that:
The product has high price elasticity.
The product has some cross elasticity.
No expectation that demand of the product will rise.
Marginal cost pricing
Marginal cost pricing is the practice of setting the price of a product equal to the extra cost of producing an extra unit of output. By this policy, a producer charges, for each product unit sold, only the addition to total cost resulting from materials and direct labour. This is often done by businesses during periods of poor sales. If, for example, an item has a marginal cost of £10 and a normal selling price is £20, the firm selling the item might wish to lower the price to £11 if demand is slow. The business would choose this approach because the incremental profit of £1 from the transaction is better than nothing at all.
Predatory pricing
Predatory pricing is an aggressive pricing strategy intended to drive competitors out of a market. It is illegal in some places.
Odd value or Psychological pricing
Psychological Pricing is used when the business wants consumers to respond on an emotional, rather than rational basis. For example selling for £9.99 instead of £10, this is evident in most supermarkets and retail outlets.
Dynamic pricing
Dynamic pricing is a flexible pricing mechanism made possible by advances in information technology, and employed mostly by Internet based companies. By responding to market fluctuations or large amounts of data gathered from customers – ranging from where they live to what they buy to how much they have spent on past purchases – dynamic pricing allows online companies to adjust the prices of identical goods to correspond to a customer’s willingness to pay. The airline industry is often cited as a dynamic pricing success story. In fact, it employs the technique so artfully that most of the passengers on any given airplane have paid different ticket prices for the same flight.
Dynamic Pricing has a number of variants such as:
Negotiation (bargaining)
Yield Management – depends on inventory and time of purchase. i.e. hotel rooms or airline seats.
Real time Market – based on supply and demand.
Price Skimming
Skimming is selling a unique product or service at a high price, and sacrificing high sales in preference to high profits, therefore ‘skimming’ the market. Usually employed to reimburse the cost of investment of the original research into the product – commonly used in electronic markets when a new range, such as DVD players, are firstly dispatched into the market at a high price. This strategy is often used to target “early adopters” of a product or service. These early adopters are relatively less price-sensitive because either their need for the product is more than others or they understand the value of the product better than others. This strategy is employed only for a limited duration to recover most of investment made to build the product. To gain further market share, a seller must use other pricing tactics such as economy or penetration. This method can come with some setbacks as it could leave the product at a high price to competitors.
Penetration pricing
Penetration pricing is the opposite of skimming, where a product is sold with a low price to gain market share.
Limit Pricing
Limit Pricing is the price set by a monopolist to discourage economic entry into a market, and is illegal in many countries. The limit price is the price that the entrant would face upon entering as long as the incumbent firm did not decrease output. The limit price is often lower than the average cost of production or just low enough to make entering not profitable. The quantity produced by the incumbent firm to act as a deterrent to entry is usually larger than would be optimal for a monopolist, but might still produce higher economic profits than would be earned under perfect competition. The problem with limit pricing as strategic behavior is that once the entrant has entered the market, the quantity used as a threat to deter entry is no longer the incumbent firm’s best response. This means that for limit pricing to be an effective deterrent to entry, the threat must in some way be made credible. A way to achieve this is for the incumbent firm to constrain itself to produce a certain quantity whether entry occurs or not. An example of this would be if the firm signed a union contract to employ a certain (high) level of labour for a long period of time.
Loss Leader Pricing
Loss Leader pricing is illegal under EU and US Competition rules. Larger players in a market may use loss leaders as part of an overall pricing strategy, such as using it to draw customers into their establishment and encourage them to buy other products once there. Loss leadership can be similar to predatory pricing or cross subsidization; both seen as anti-competitive practices.
Target pricing
Target pricing is a pricing method whereby the selling price of a product is calculated to produce a particular rate of return on investment for a specific volume of production. The target pricing method is used most often by public utilities, like electric and gas companies, and companies whose capital investment is high, like car manufacturers. Target pricing is not useful for companies whose capital investment is low because, according to this formula, the selling price will be understated. Also the target pricing method is not keyed to the demand for the product, and if the entire volume is not sold, a company might sustain an overall budgetary loss on the product.
Economy pricing
Economy pricing include things like the no frills lines found in supermarkets.
Promotional Pricing
Promotional Pricing is used to promote a product and is very commonly used. There are many examples of promotional pricing including approaches such as BOGOF (Buy One Get One Free).
Captive product pricing
Captive product pricing is seen in cinemas when you are forced to buy refreshments from the foyer, or blades for razors, or ink cartridges for ink jet printers, where the ink is often more expensive then the initial printer cost.
Optional product pricing
Optional product pricing is seen when you buy an airline ticket and are charged extra for seat next to window, extra baggage or speedier check-in.
Product Line Pricing
Product Line Pricing is where there is a range of products or services and the pricing reflects the benefits of parts of the range. For example car washes. Basic wash could be £2, wash and wax £4, and the whole package £6.
Geographical Pricing
Geographical Pricing is evident where there are variations in price in different parts of the world. For example rarity value, or where shipping costs increase price.
Drip pricing
Drip pricing is agreeing an initial price, with a customer only to add extra charges when the customer is about to buy. It works because once lured by the initial price and into a sense of ownership, a consumer attaches more value to the goods in question. This “endowment effect” makes them more likely to accept later charges as people hate the idea of losing £5 much more than they like the idea of gaining £5. Extra charges also only become apparent after the customer has invested time and effort, which they don’t want to waste, in the sales process. Anchoring helps here (“it doesn’t cost £200, it only costs £x” – £200 is the anchor). Make the pricing structure complex, create a sense of social approval – “everyone is buying” – then chuck in something free and its job done.
Price leadership
Price leadership is seen with regards to oligopic business behavior in which one company, usually the dominant competitor among several, leads the way in determining prices, that the others soon following.
Value pricing
Value pricing is generally used when external factors such as recession and competition pressure sales. This focuses on prices you believe customers are willing to pay, based on benefits your business offers them. Companies try to increase profits and get the maximum value out of their scarcity and are interested in who is willing to pay more, rather than who can afford to pay more.
Price Discrimination
Imagine that you dealt with every customer as an individual, and knew exactly how much they valued any possible version of your offering and that the price charged to any customer remained unknown to all the others. Develop a pricing scheme which gets as close as possible to this ideal. There are some attempts to make use of this pricing system:
First degree price discrimination – seen as unfair and unpopular
Tactic used by car salesmen and estate agents
Supermarkets use discount cards which are needed to take advantage of sales prices
Money on – Amazon used to tailor prices based on customer profile using “cookies” to display different selling prices to different customers.
Group discrimination – more accepted form of price discrimination
OAP and student discounts
Discounts for local customers who purchase regularly
Self discrimination – getting customers to confess they are sensitive to price, while still taking advantage of those willing to pay a premium price
So there you have it, there are lots of pricing options open to you. Use a method that best suites you and your business circumstances. Cost-plus pricing and contribution margin-based pricing are the most commonly used methods historically although some form of price discrimination is the ideal in most instances, although is very difficult to implement effectively for smaller, less technically endowed businesses.
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Having run a number of businesses over the years I have come accustomed to dealing with the day to day challenges that come along and the reactionary style owners often adopt in dealing with them. One of the key challenges I have found is to remove myself from a state of “fire fighting” and into working on the business and not in it.
Working on a business involves some strategic (eyes glaze over) thinking and planning. As a business owner I am constantly looking to increase profit and in doing so must look three areas:
In this article I’m going to cover what is often considered the most boring of the three topics “reducing costs“, But saving money within your business is probably easier to achieve then increasing sales, where you need to spend more on advertising or communication with existing customers all of which will involve some form of expenditure, and increasing prices which can be a scary proposition, with research showing it causes much anxiety amongst entrepreneurs and business owners alike. Taking costs out of your business will directly impact the bottom line and increase profits, if done correctly.
There are two ways to reduce costs:
Reduce costs as percentage of sales. For example higher sales on the same costs or costs rising less than sales are rising
Simply cost cutting – However simply cutting costs is not always the answer as it may adversely impact sales and margins. If efficiency or output is reduced as a result of cutting costs than some analysis of the risks and rewards needs to be undertaken first.
5 step plan
Go through this 5 step plan in the sequence I have laid them out, this will prevent you feeling overwhelmed.
Eliminate waste and spare capacity. Use your time wisely, don’t waste hours and hours trying to save a few pounds.
Consider your position on a long term view versus a short term view. Set the level of investment spending where you want it to be.
Make sure your pricing is set correctly, failure to do this prevents you from knowing the potential of the business. (Check out my pricing strategy article here)
Understand your product offerings. what products haven’t been costed properly, what products aren’t valued by your customers but weigh heavily on costs. What parts of your business have moved away from your core activity and do these contribute sufficiently to profits
Strategic review. The business is the wrong shape. Going small and more niche or larger to cover cost base by pursuing better margin areas of your business.
Below is a list of other areas to consider:
One of the first things that businesses look to cut when making cost savings are with regards to employees, because generally employees are one of the biggest costs and biggest headaches (in an admin sense) for companies. This can be done a number of ways, by reducing staffing levels, introducing short time working, imposing salary freeze, and or reducing pension service costs. However taking this approach can cause an adverse effect on company morale, efficiency, staff absence and turnover levels and may cause issues with supplier relationships, where supplies reduce credit arrangements for fear of not getting paid by a company that is perceived to be struggling. Another way of dealing with such costs rather than simply cutting is to improve productivity.
Improving the productivity of employees is a more positive way of reducing costs per employee, and should involve the employees in the formulation of this process. If they are involved in the development process they will have ownership of it and will be more likely to follow through on initiatives. You don’t need to introduce productivity incentive bonuses to improve productivity, creating a happy working environment where employees are valued and feel they are contributing is beneficial for all.
Increasing Capacity
If you’re increasing capacity, employ an extra shift before adding more space to increase output. This will make it easier if capacity drops again so that you’re not stuck with the cost of a long lease and under capacity.
Outsource all non-core tasks. If you do certain things infrequently look to get things off the books and done by a specialist on a freelance basis..
Supply chain management
Look for bulk purchase discounts, or source cheaper suppliers (but be wary of the risk of supplier failures or enforced single sourcing), reduce stock levels, cut excess production capacity in tougher times. Reduce inventory levels and move to a “just in time” supply or materials
Other options
Cut capacity, such as closing business units (stores, website etc),
Sale of business units, such as Clapham house selling Tootsies
Oversees shifts – moving operations to cheaper lower cost locations (be wary of weakening of control over quality)
Asset value write downs – (none cash write downs, cleanse the balance sheet and give clear picture of the trading position, setting a new base to build on. This is more of an accountancy issue rather than something that physically impacts the business.
Debt Management
The general rule of debt management is to pay off your debts, such as your mortgage, loans and credit card bills, before you start to save money. This is because the amount of savings income you can get is almost always dwarfed by interest rates you pay on your debts. To check whether you are better off saving or repaying your debts, you should compare the interest rate on your credit facilities with your savings or investment rates.
Pay down debt levels to reduce debt service costs when surplus income cannot be utilized better through investment or purchase of assets.
If times are really desperate, consider a Company voluntary arrangement (CVA), which would release it from certain liabilities to its landlords.
14 Savings on Purchases
Don’t buy impulsively!
Do your research – do your research to find out when the industry is on the downside of the demand curve and buy, buy, buy.
Know about the secondary market – returns or refurbished
Understand that retailers are in business to make a profit on you – Retailers always have to move through product to make room for the next batch.
Don’t be an ‘early adopter’!
Don’t be afraid to ask for a discount
Buy during off-peak times
Don’t give in to the fashion trends
Always be ready to walk away.
Expose your purchase to competition – is a Demand Driven marketplace which has developed a cool concept.
plan needs (no impulse buys)
shop for value
ask for discounts
examine receipts and bills
So there you have it, cutting costs doesn’t need to be boring. In fact saving costs is tax free, in many cases doesn’t require any capital and doesn’t rely on any marketing activities. It’s often the easiest way to put money back in your pocket so should be the first area of consideration when looking to increase profits. Check out the other two areas by clicking on the links below.
Anyone that’s running a business wants to make more profit. There are only two ways to do this:
Sell more goods and services (volume).
Make more profit per £1 of sale (margin) either by increasing prices or reducing costs or increasing prices while reducing costs.
For the purposes of this article we’re going to concentrate on the “Increase Prices” part of the model (above) in our quest to increase profit margins.
Many business owners are afraid to charge “more” for fear of losing custom and putting people off buying from them, but the flip side of this is you may be leaving money on the table that could be in your bank account rather than in the customer’s pocket. I once heard this sentence and it changed the way I thought about pricing, it goes “Unless you are the most expensive in your field you can always afford to put up your prices”.
Well not everyone is comfortable about increasing prices, and as business owners we should be wary about the way we edge them up. There are a number of tactics we can employ to ease price increases into our business
Introduce a new pricing structure for new customers only, look after your loyal customers, but let them know that you will honour the old price structure for as long as they stay with you. Should they leave and come back at a later date they will have to go on the new pricing model. Let them know you value their loyalty and are rewarding it, make it a good PR exercise.
Begin to shift your overall product sales mix towards higher profit margin products and services, and start phasing out your lower margin items. Introduce higher margin new products that are perceived as higher value solutions for customers.
Decrease the level of discounts you’re currently offering customers.
Increase your minimum order volumes so that customers have to reach a higher threshold before they qualify for discounts.
Increase your delivery charge and start charging for any additional special services related to delivery.
Charge your customers for any engineering and installation services that you previously included as standard.
Increase prices to cover for overtime or additional time needed to deliver rushed or very short notice orders.
Start collecting and charging interest on overdue accounts from the last few months.
Begin to write stiffer penalty clauses into all of your contracts. Think about it – your suppliers will almost certainly be doing this to you, so there’s no reason why you can’t be commercially more hard-nosed as well.
Find ways to decrease some of the physical features or characteristics of your product, but continue to charge the same prices.
Times are tough, but we have to make sure we are getting a fair price in exchange for our services/products. Make sure you’re maximising profits so that you can continue to provide for your customers in the years ahead.
If you have any additional ways you have increased prices please put them in the comments. Hope you found this post interesting please subscribe to my newsletter so that you get to hear about my newest content as soon as it’s published.