Beliefs Are Holding You Back

Get Results: breaking beliefs
Get Results: breaking beliefs

The BELIEFS we hold so dear, are often, indirectly holding us back from chasing down our goals. The way we use beliefs to make decisions, and to interpret the world around us, can result in, both positive and negative consequences for us as individuals.

Our beliefs are the core of how we evaluate the world we live in. They determine, often on a subconscious level, who and what we pay attention to, or ignore. They influence what we do, or don’t do. They shape how we interact with others. They inform our choices about what groups we decide to join, or not. They affect who and what we are drawn to and who and what we avoid, who and what we disagree with and whether we take action or stay put.

I like to think about beliefs like bullet points that form the backbone of a story we tell ourselves, which we believe with some certainty, that we use to navigate the world around us.

For instance if you believe the following…

  • The world is a dangerous place – The news is full of horrible, violent events, I can’t remember it being this bad when I was younger
  • People are more violent these days than they used to be, I can’t remember all this knife crime and shooting I hear about now
  • People only care about themselves, and are less likely to help others, than they used to be
  • Community spirit is long gone, people aren’t as friendly as they used to be

So these beliefs form the backbone of a story that depicts the world as a lonely, scary place, with danger at every turn, where people are out to get you or rob you.  – okay I’m exaggerating for effect here, but you get the point. The stronger you hold these beliefs, the more powerful the resulting emotions you will fear.

So how do you think this thought process is going to shape your behaviours? You might go out less particularly at night, or avoid certain places altogether because you see them dangerous. For instance, you might turn down the opportunity to go on holiday to somewhere you’ve heard has had problems in the recent past.

You might be less trusting of strangers when you interact with them, coming across as unfriendly and uncaring from their point of view. This impacts how they react to you in return. You can see how we can easily get the wrong opinion of someone and vice versa.

If you see someone in distress you might rush by, for fear of falling into a trap. It might well be a trap, it does happen, but it might also be someone that desperately needs your assistance.

You might prefer to keep yourself to yourself, rather than seek the company of others in social situations, making you seek aloof and unfriendly.

It’s not hard to see that these underlying beliefs are impacting the way you might make decisions, how you interact with people and places and how others see and interact with you. This shapes your relationships and directly impacts the quality of your life.

Life’s experiences are a combination of interpretations, emotions,  behaviours, reactions and interactions which act like a feedback loop; all of which, are built on top of our core beliefs.

So what can we do about beliefs that are spoiling the quality of our lives? Surely we can’t just change our beliefs to suit us, after all, they are based on truths and reflect how the world actually is, right? Otherwise they wouldn’t be our beliefs in the first place, would they?

Well, let’s consider what a belief is. My definition of a belief is ;

“It’s a thought (which is a mind constructed abstraction) we hold with some certainty to be true.”

The dictionary definition is;

“An acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.”

The directory definition is interesting because it adds “with proof” at the end. Yet I’d bet few of us consider our beliefs not to be based on proof, we might not even contemplate this possibility.  When in fact, many beliefs we hold are based on nothing more than assumptions, inferences, and the testimony of other people.

Beliefs are absorbed through social conditioning.  We learn them from people around us, from the media, from influential people like teachers, parents, authority figures, experts, from peers, work colleages and friends. Increasingly we are strengthening such beliefs through social media algorithms that are designed to feed us more information that we have “liked” in the past.

Okay our personal experiences shape our beliefs to some degree, of course, but consider than our beliefs are underpinning how we even interpret our experiences.

We see or hear something and almost instantly give is some meaning. This meaning is based on our beliefs. At the same time we are filtering out incoming stimuli and data that we aren’t interested in. For instance we buy a red Mini, we suddenly start seeing red Minis everywhere. Where there no red minis around before we purchased one, or were they always there but we just didn’t notice? Check out this video, follow the instructions, and see the power of our minds to filter out unnecessary stimuli.

So beliefs are core to what we pay attention to and what we filter out.

Changing beliefs

Something else that’s important to understand about our beliefs are they are often invested with our sense of self. This means we psychologically attach to them. They become our belief, we and the belief become one. Because we do this particularly with strongly held beliefs we fall into a couple of traps.

The first trap we fall into is we notice evidence that supports the belief, and ignore anything that contradicts it.  This is known as confirmation bias.

The second trap we fall into is we find it hard to change a belief because we’re invested in it. To change the belief we must first accept we were wrong to begin with, and this can be unacceptable for our fragile Egos.

The way to avoid these traps is to avoid investing our sense of self in them. How? Well, use a scientific approach, consider beliefs like a best guess (hypothesis) that you actively try to disprove. That way you don’t fight for them, instead you’re open to hearing contradictory evidence. You suddenly stop trying to be right, and instead try to find the truth.

So the question becomes, which beliefs should we keep and which should be abandon? In truth, we should, as I’ve said previously, turn all beliefs into best guesses. But specifically it’s the beliefs that are holding us back from going after our goals we should target first. If it’s not serving you, drop it or change it.

Beliefs that hold you back tend to be self-confidence focused. Consider these common beliefs…

  • I’m not capable of doing [blank]
  • I don’t have the experience/resources/skills/ talent to do [blank]
  • You need to be [blank] to succeed at doing [blank]

We often allow these beliefs to put us off even trying to make progress, due to fear of things like disappointment, failure, loss, embarrassment, etc.

Changing such beliefs or incorporating new beliefs that empower us will help us to overcome such limiting beliefs

  • The best way to learn is by doing
  • Failure is a necessary part of learning and making progress
  • I am capable of doing this, I might have to learn something new or develop a skill further, but I can do it
  • If I lack a particular skill, I can find  someone who I can hire to help me
  • Where there is a will, there is a way…always
  • I can only truly fail if I give up completely – I will not be beaten
  • You are never too old to learn new tricks
  • If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

These are empowering beliefs, but they are also very true, and more grounded in reality than simply saying “I can’t do this”. Why can’t you do it? Who says so? Based on what, the past? Remember the past doesn’t equal the future, how’s that for a belief.

If you’d like to learn more about beliefs, subscribe to our newsletter for up-to-date notifications and exclusive content not available on the website.

Beliefs Shape Your World

Get Results: Quit investing sense of self in beliefs
Get Results: Quit investing sense of self in beliefs

Drive your actions,
Your choices,
What you do,
What you don’t do,
What interests you,
And what doesn’t,
What you enjoy,
What annoys you,
What you’ll do,
What you won’t,
What turns you on,
What turns you off,
What you say and how you say it,
They choose your friends,
Where you live,
What you do for a living,
If you drive or not,
Where you holiday,
If you holiday,
What you buy,
What you throw away,
They are your focus,
Your filter,
They colour your world,
They make you liberal or conservative,
Leave or remain,
Kind or mean,
Social or reclusive,
They make you fat or thin,
Successful or not,
They determine if you’ll give up or soldier on,
They are your path to freedom or your prison.

So what are beliefs?
They are rigid thought forms invested with sense of self. Formed from assumptions, inferences and the testimony of other people. They are a consequence of our social conditioning. Our thoughts are largely given to us by others.

What they are not, is fact or truth. They can be changed, reformed, manipulated to serve you better. They can and are manipulate by skilled persuaders to get you to do things for them, so be warned, be vigilant. Bring awareness to your beliefs, if they are hiding from scrutiny, observe your behaviours and emotions and ask why? What belief is driving this?

Get Results: beliefs share your world
Get Results: beliefs share your world
Get Results: Quit investing sense of self in beliefs
Get Results: Quit investing sense of self in beliefs
Get Results: beliefs become your destiny
Get Results: beliefs become your destiny
Get Results: what customer thinks is what matters
Get Results: what customer thinks is what matters
Get Results: don't argue with someone who believes their own lies
Get Results: don’t argue with someone who believes their own lies
Get Results: use thought don't be use by it
Get Results: use thought don’t be use by it
Get Results: opinions are the greatest deception of man
Get Results: opinions are the greatest deception of man
Get Results: fewer facts stronger opinions
Get Results: fewer facts stronger opinions
Get Results: don't argue with someone who believes their own lies
Get Results: don’t argue with someone who believes their own lies
Get Results: change the way you look at things
Get Results: change the way you look at things
Get Results: seek the truth
Get Results: seek the truth
Get Results: Love and do what you will
Get Results: Love and do what you will
Get Results: Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness
Get Results: Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness
Get Results: fear stands for
Get Results: fear stands for
Get Results: open to wonder
Get Results: open to wonder
Get Results: don't be a prisoner of your past
Get Results: don’t be a prisoner of your past
Get Results: beliefs are lies
Get Results: beliefs are lies
Get Results: bother each other with opinions
Get Results: bother each other with opinions
Get Results: spend too much time in your head
Get Results: spend too much time in your head
Get Results:at peace in the present
Get Results:at peace in the present
Get Results: change perspective
Get Results: change perspective
Get Results: Truth is where you are
Get Results: Truth is where you are
Get Results: Only Present
Get Results: Only Present
Get Results: Never ASSUME
Get Results: Never ASSUME
Get Results: Eckhart Tolle quotes
Get Results: Eckhart Tolle quotes
Get Results: Perspective
Get Results: Perspective
Get Results: Successful present moment
Get Results: Successful present moment
Get Results: Self Awareness
Get Results: Self Awareness
Get Results: Perspective
Get Results: Perspective

Improving Your Planning

Get Results: from here to goal graphic
Get Results: from here to goal

As long as you know where you currently are, and where you want to go (your goal), you will be able to map out what is required to fill the gap between the two. Getting results means you have to have a plan of action to move you towards your goal.

Now many people think about this in simplistic terms. For example lets say you want to start a business online and you come up with the following plan of action;

#1 Come up with a business idea

  • Understand who the customer is
  • Create a suitable name for the business that
  • is memorable
  • Create the brand – it’s visuals and story
  • Fulfil legal requirements – register with inland revenue, regulatory bodies etc

#2 Set up website

  • Get website hosting
  • Register a suitable domain name
  • Get your website live and running

#3 Marketing business

Drive traffic from..

  • Social media channels
  • Adverts
  • Offline channels

#4 E-commerce on website to take payment

Simple isn’t it, this is a outline list of tasks that need to be done for you to get a business up and running online.

However if you think this is all you have to do and the world will be knocking down your door, you’re very much mistaken.

Each step is somewhat more complex than I’ve shown above because it’s not just about what you do, it’s about how your audience responds. If your website isn’t pressing the right buttons for visitors they are not going to take the action you want them to and buy from you.

So you may have to try different marketing channels, different  messages, different media and different offers to see what works for you. Complexity comes from things you can’t directly control or predict. There is often no one right way of doing things, and what works for one business might not for another.

Sure the vast majority of people are looking to improve their situation in some way, they are looking for growth in economic wealth, for social wealth for physical and psychological wealth. If your solution nudges them in that direction, you’re going to have a better chance than you would otherwise.

But you’ve got to communicate this benefit to your audience through your marketing messages. What you think will resonate with them, might not, so you have to test ideas, tweak, improve and test again. You also need to understand their pain points, what is going to motivate them to take action and so on. Below is table with some of this complexity factored into it.

To Do list – simple Complexity Questions that need answering
Come up with a business idea

  • Understand who the customer is
  • Create a suitable name for the business that
  • is memorable
  • Create the brand – it’s visuals and story
  • Fulfil legal requirements – register with inland revenue, regulatory bodies etc

  • Must be a solution that will be in demand
  • There must be a market for it
  • It is a solution to a problem the prospect has


  • Do market research
  • Look for proof of existing market
  • Test ideas
  • Do they have a problem I can solve?
  • Are they willing to pay for a solution I can provide?
  • Is it worth doing from my POV?
  • Where can I find prospects to find this information?
  • What is the business model?
  • Where will the solution be available (online or bricks and mortar)?
Set up website

  • Hosting
  • Domain name
Marketing business

Drive traffic from..

  • Social media channels
  • Adverts
  • Offline channels
  • Target prospects wherever they are
  • Deliver the right message at right time to the right person
  • Allow prospects to know, like and trust you
  • Encourage goodwill by providing value to prospects who aren’t ready to buy just yet
  • Engage emotionally through branding
  • Consider marketing channel choices
  • Test channels/ideas/media/messages
  • Build social proof/signals
  • What channels are prospects spending attention on?
  • How can I get their attention?
  • How can I engage with them there?
  • What type of messages will help me get known, liked and trusted?
E-commerce to take payment

You must work to improve your results through continually improving your plan of action and improving your problem solving capabilities.

It’s vitally important you factor complexity into your plan of action, it’s the one thing that is going to hold things up and stand in the way of you getting results.

This is a system focused on KNOWLEDGE and PRODUCTIVITY, it doesn’t take into account any MOTIVATIONAL elements that might be holding you back from taking the action YOU need to be taking. If you fear failure or disappointment or loss, if you fail to take responsibility, if you lack resourcefulness or self awareness, these are all motivational problem areas that need to be addressed.

Motivation is a subject in its own right and there are lots of articles throughout the site dedicated to it. Check them out here.

For more about productivity, click here.

Deal With Rapid Change

Get Results: rapid change
Get Results: rapid change

The modern world is fast moving, and we are, more than ever, required to try to keep pace with it. This requires the following…

To have a big enough WHY – If you’re not driven towards something, you’re going to struggle to find the motivation to learn what needs to be learned, and to do what needs to be done. Aligning your inner purpose with your outer purpose is a sure way to commit to the cause.

Ensure there is NO RESISTANCE – let go of the way things are, release any fixation you might have on the way things are or have been and open yourself up to the new, which brings me nicely onto the next point.

Open your mind to new ways of working, at least to the actual way things are now, today and keep one eye on where things are heading.

Keep looking forwards – stay ahead of the curve. The pace of change  might scare you, because often change means risk and uncertainty, but with the right mindset, it also presents opportunities. Position yourself to take advantage of the way things are going to be. It’s going to happen, whether you like it or not, so better to make the most of it, rather than burying your head in the sand and pretending it’s not happening.

The next point is to become a FAST LEARNER! The skill that is going to future-proof you is the ability to learn new things as fast as possible. This starts with having the right mindset; be a lifelong learner, a master of what you know and an apprentice of what you don’t know. The fastest and most effective way of learning is by doing. You really can’t beat experience and purposeful practice.

Keep bureaucracy to a minimum, that of you or your organisation. This includes any regulations and rules you might operate within. Use just enough to get the job done. We can take a lead from nature with regards to this. The impressive flying acrobatics of Swallows runs on 3 simple rules; avoidance, direction and distance. Complex communities like that of Ants is based on simple rules that don’t rely on mountains of regulations, paperwork, check sheets and meeting about meetings.

Give yourself a a GOAL, and use it to gauge general direction, rather than it being a rigid, fixed, non-movable destination. Remain open to accidental discoveries and serendipity, but be wary of temptations and distractions that gets in your way and damage productivity and progress. There’s a fine balance to be struck here, which can only be fine-tuned through trial and error.

Finally use the getresults framework to ensure you KNOW – WANT – DO what’s necessary to get the results you’re seeking. Sign up for our newsletter to learn more.


Managing Organisational Change To Get Results

Get Results: nothing changes if nothing changes
Get Results: nothing changes if nothing changes

Managing organisational CHANGE

Change is hard for one person, doing it yourself can be really difficult, let alone managing the change of a whole organisation.

Everyone is different, motivated by different things, with their own personal insecurities and fears.

How is it even possible to manage what is essentially a very personal thing, but on a one-size-fits-all basis, as you would with a large organisation?

We have one thing in common, in that we all want to improve our current situation, to feel we are improving in some way. This can come about through…

  • Feeling more valued
  • Feeling we are contributing more through our job function
  • Learning new skills
  • Our ability to make use of our talents
  • Being trusted more to use our judgments and skills
  • Not feeling like we are being exploited and used without any of the benefits
  • believing we can move forwards or upwards within the organisation
  • feeling we are not getting caught up in unnecessary politics within the workplace, and being supported when flare ups occur

It’s important we don’t over pander to employees, instead treat them as adults, with responsibilities, but be supportive, when required.

Get Results: the process of transition
Get Results: the process of transition

There are lots of frameworks that lay out the step by step stages people may pass through, throughout the change process; feeling anxiety, happiness, denial, then fear, guilty, depression, hostility, and finally acceptance (as in the illustration above). These kinds of frameworks can give us some appreciation of the possible stages our employees may go through, but they aren’t going to help us actually manage the change process, because they fail to account for the complexity of individual employees and the fact that employees have different fears, and motivations, and will be going through different stages and emotions at different times and for different reasons.

Let’s now look at the possible objections employees might have to any organisational change.

Get Results: emotional and practical
Get Results: emotional and practical

Why employees resist CHANGE

They may fear losing something from the  current status quo.

They may just be indifference to the change process and/or destination the organisation is hoping to move towards.

They just can’t see or don’t agree with big picture vision of what the organisation is wanting to do.

They don’t agree with the path forward and the possible discomfort they might have to endure while making the transition, or they might just think there is a better solution available to the organisation.

They might feel they are already overworked and don’t want more workload on top of what’s currently on their table.

They may feel ignored or excluded in the decision making process.

They may fear a loss of face, responsibility, job security as a result of the change process.

They may be suspicious of some hidden agenda – fear a devaluation at some point – lack of trust in those who yield power.

They may feel change will be slow or it might prevent some self interested increase  or advancement further down the line.

They may fear they will lack autonomy going forward or fear extra responsibility in future, which they are uncomfortable about.

Now not every employee will have such objections, others will have some or all of the above. A one-fits-all solution is not going to be an effective approach to implementing change because of such complexities.

The way ahead for long lasting CHANGE

So the question becomes, how do we effectively manage change, taking all these concerns and complexities into consideration?

Well you would have to first ensure that the organisation goals and change process are aligned to the inspirations of employees whilst actively managing their fears on a one to one basis.

This could be achieved by ensuring they feel more valued, have more autonomy, learn more skills, are trusted to make decisions, are able to contribute more etc.

The change process will only be successful, if employees are involved, are part of the process, and benefit from the changes.

Take employees through the framework, and improve their self awareness, improve their ability and willingness to take responsibility, ensure they are open minded and able to see possibilities rather than risks, help  them be more committed to the process of change, by dealing with their own fears, discomfort and conflicts with the support of the organisation, at every stage.  Sign up for our newsletter for more info.

Change requires employees to acquire the necessary knowledge to make progress, be more motivated to seek improvements and learn better techniques and methods, and embrace the opportunities to improve productivity.

The organisations leadership should be like a gardener, preparing the ground, the space, to make it easy for nature to do it’s thing, rather than being like the carpenter, who tries to control every aspect of the work, shaping it to his/her wishes.

If your method for change doesn’t align with the natural instincts of employees, and doesn’t take advance of human nature, you’re facing a path of conflict and struggle.

In his book “Brave new work”, Aaron Dignan uses the following method for organisational change.

Get Results: the transformation loop
Get Results: the transformation loop

This is an inclusive, persistent, continual process of evolution rather than revolution, where employees are empowered to remain involved in the evolving process permanently. It breaks away from a linear process, one step, then the next, and instead involves looping through a cycle of noticing Tension, Practice and Experimentation. I’d recommend checking out his book for more about this approach.

For more info about getting results and the methodology we use, sign up for our newsletter, or look through the information on this website.


Don’t Quit – Poem By John Whittier

I love this poem by John Whittier called Don’t quit. Words can be inspiring, and help generate positive, forwards momentum. They often help us re-focus our motivation, and gentle push in the right direction. Hope you enjoy…

Get Results: Don't quit by John Whittier
Get Results: Don’t quit by John Whittier

For more about motivation, click here.

Planning Your Goal

Get Results: planning is indispensable
Get Results: planning is indispensable

Jim Rohn famously said “To have more you’ve got to be more”, not in the sense that your sense of worth should  be wrapped up with your abilities and what value you can provide to the world. For you are an extraordinary light as you are, but society rewards those that provide the most value to others, at least in certain situations.

We all know those that do outstanding work, that help their fellow human beings or the planet, but who are not as financially rewarded as they should be, and in this sense, the world can be unfair.

Nursing and caring for instance is not well rewarded financially, doing good deeds for your neighbours, likewise.

So it’s true that you might want to do certain things that society is not going to reward you greatly for, unless you run a business or invest in a business that leverages additional resources to increases income. Generally the more people you can help, the more you get paid. You ultimately get to decide if you still want to pursue a calling that is far reaching or that helps on an individual one to one basis.

So you have to look into whether what you want to do is going to reward you well enough, if not you may want to look for other ways of providing income or leveraging  additional resources as highlighted above.

So carefully consider you goal, make sure it aligns with your inner being. Doing something that isn’t who you are, can grate on your soul and cause inner conflict.

My advice is, do what you love, that way it doesn’t feel like work. Figure out a way to do it, that will help pay the bills. I’ve never been one for settling or doing something that my heart wasn’t in, well I have but I didn’t last long doing them.

So with that said, are you doing what you love? Would you do your job if you didn’t need the money, or are you doing it solely for the money?

If you’re doing something you’d rather not do, then you need to work out a plan to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

You have to start from where you are of course, you may need to do it for a certain time, but it’s important that you have a plan to work against that will enable you to transition into what you love.

That plan is of course different for each one of us. Figure it out, bath in the vision that you are working to achieve.

You may say to yourself, “I’ll do what I’m doing until I have £x in bank, or until my online business is better established” etc.

Make your plan doable, actionable, tangible, break it down into steps that are easy to follow and measurable, so you can make sure you’re progressing towards your goal.

It’s okay to pivot, when needed, because  as you progress you might uncover insights that better inform your plan, that may speeds things up or plot a different course. You might decide your goal needs to change based on new information. So keep it flexible, but don’t let self-doubt and fear put you off.

For more about goal setting, click here.

Life Is Full Of Contradictions

Get Results: The more you have the more you have to lose
Get Results: The more you have the more you have to lose

Life is full of contradictions, such as…

The more you learn, the more you know, the more you realise how little you actually know.

One person’s rubbish is another person’s treasure.

Letting go of expectations might well reduce suffering, while at the same time lessening the drive to take action and chase down goals.

The more we have, the more we have to lose.

The more you give, the more you get. “Givers gain” is a popular quote.

The more in need you are, the greater the tendency to “grab” at opportunities, but the less others are willing to give you as a result of this.

Is it best to aim for specialised learning, to go deep and narrow, or generalise by learning wide and shallow, to keep options open, and allowing for easier pivoting in the future, if needed?

There are contradictions everywhere.

Maybe nothing has any meaning other than the one we give it. Maybe life is about experiencing the rich tapestry of existence, and learning to break free of social conditioning and find our own meaning of experience. Maybe we should aim to break free of judging and labeling, or at least improve awareness of the process.

When we read a book with the intention to learn, we are encouraging our mind to shift perspective, to see things from a different position. We are seeking permission to think and feel differently than before, by reading the wise words of someone who may know better than us.

So should we live a life where we chase down dreams and pursue goals, in which we are driven to succeed?

Do we live life in gratitude and contentment, happy to live spiritually in the moment, free of attachments to thoughts, possessions and people, like a monk would do?

I guess, the beauty of life is, we get to decide as individuals.

Sure we might come across difficulties, obstacles and even pressure from people around us, who want us to serve their agendas, but in the end, we have the choice to either put up and shut up or take action to do something for ourselves.

Aligning the inner world of what makes us tick, with the outer world of what we spend time doing is key to living a fulfilling life, so we should  perhaps try to live a life that best achieves that aim.

Why Some Get Results When Others Don’t

Get Results: redefining success
Get Results: redefining success

Have you ever wondered why…

People who have been told to stop smoking for health reasons, still smoke. Research says this is as high as 70%.

People who hate themselves because they are too fat, go eat more chocolate.

People who have never followed through, suddenly do.

Have you ever wondered why some people don’t take action when others do?

Why do people buy educational products and not get results?

How great would it be if everyone who bought them, actually used them, and did something with the information they provided?

I think people buy products to escape that feeling of lack, they buy for the feeling of hope it gives them, even if only for a short time.

What turns a person on, and what pisses them off is RELATIVE. It’s different for everyone.

People that don’t take action are  in a DESIRE situation, they have dreams and ambitions, but not in a MUST situation.

People that do take action fear not following through more than taking action. They fear what they will miss out on, or they have a strong enough reason to follow through.

And they get validation when it works. Once they’ve proven it to themselves, they do more of it, often at a higher level. They leverage their results.

Some create rituals to allow them to get another skill to help them be even more  productive/capable of earning more, being more and having more.

Breakthroughs come by feeding your mind, and creating a ritual every day, building momentum.

Surround  yourself with more successful people, to help change your perspective. Shift your desires, your standards change by being in situations which show you better.

Alternatively, find something your excited about doing.

What would you do if you had a gun to your head?  What would you do if you could not fail?

The holy grail between someone taking action or not is CERTAINTY or BELIEF. If you know it will change your life, you will take action.

Non-believers buy the product event though they don’t believe it will work. The product has to prove itself to them first, before they will believe it. They also lower their expectations. But to be a critic, you don’t have to have guts.

GUTS are needed to BELIEVE, but people don’t want to get their hopes up, for fear of disappointment.

Success is about 2 things…

  1. MINDSET – It’s about potential. Practice in your head, so that you believe it, and body will get you through. The belief in their potential is key. You might say “I’m not like Tony Robbins, or Jim Rohn, so you take no action. So what would happen if you were certain you would not fail?
  2. WHAT ACTION YOUR TAKE – will determine the results you get. Each success, builds on the last, via momentum.

So how do you produce certainty when the world is not giving it to you? Get results in your head, before you actually have them in reality. Visualise what your life is going to be like, believe it. Increase your EXPECTATIONS. Condition your mind so that you know you will achieve x.

Studies show MIND affects PERFORMANCE. So VISUALISE, perfect practice makes perfect. Through mentally practicing many times you develop certainty.

We have beliefs we aren’t even aware of. The POTENTIAL is always there, but you must change you feeling of CERTAINTY.

Don’t focused on the action, visualise the results. The action becomes automatic, you’re in flow state.

CONDITION YOUR MIND by making it a RITUAL, create CERTAINTY and BELIEF that you can and will succeed.

So in summary…

  • DECIDE – enough is enough
  • VISUALISATION – success
  • CONDITIONING – develop rituals, and create certainty. keep moving forwards
  • RITUALS – regular perfect mental practice
  • CERTAINTY – create a belief
  • GUTS – believe and don’t fear disappointment

34 Important Life Principles

Get Results: learn, focus, execute
Get Results: learn, focus, execute

For much of my 50 years I’ve tried to be a student of life, and I’ve collated a number of principles I think have helped me live a better life. I thought I’d share them with you, hopefully you can find some value in them.

They are listed below:

  1. Become a master at Selling – get to know what turns people on, their passions, think of the seven deadly sins for this (lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride). Alternative consider what keeps people awake at night (fears/anxiety). Use well known sales structures to hang your sales message on such as A.I.D.A. or S.U.C.C.E.S.
  2. Be a business owner – don’t work in a business, work on it, there’s a world of difference. If you find your not suited to the running of business, but you’re interested in it, be an investor in businesses.
  3. Become an investor – Learn to spot undervalued assets and sell for a profit or derive income from them.
  4. Identify where things are headed. Pattern recognition. Map to the future.
  5. Stay ahead of the trend not behind it. Look for expanding markets, otherwise you’ll have to work harder each year for same profit.
  6. Disrupt your own business model. Don’t focus on how it’s always been done. Find the perfect solution and get as close to that as possible. Don’t just try to do it the best you can, do it the best it can be done. Seek the perfect solution and work back to what is currently possible, and work to fill the gap going forwards. Consider convenience, affordability, increase of SOS.
  7. Under promise and over deliver. Manage expectations and try to exceed them.
  8. Go the extra mile.
  9. Pay attention to detail.
  10. Add value in all exchanges – even if it’s just a smile, or a kind word.
  11. Customers are not interested in your story, only how you can help them increase their sense of self. Align your needs to theirs and you’ll win. Provide a solution to help them.
  12. Be memorable – people won’t remember what you did, they will remember how you made them feel. Use mnemonics, like velcro with lots of sensory hooks, for example baker versus Baker.
  13. Be a problem solver – not just a problem spotter. See what people are moaning and complaining about. Providing workable solutions is where the value is created . Stop moaning and do something about it. Be a solution provider.
  14. Don’t let your resume hold you back. Be open to opportunities and say YES, then figure out the HOW after.
  15. Leverage is key to wealth success. It magnifies effort exponentially (to the power of..). Leverage of debt, compound interest, leverage of resources. For example; multiple shops, multiple assets all bringing income. Leverage your contacts. You don’t need money, you need a better strategy. If you can’t make money without money, you probably can’t make money with money. Leverage other people resources. Who benefits from what you are trying to do? If you need £50k to buy a new business, If supplier going to get £100k more business ask them for £25k investment, offer seller £10k more if they accept the remainder in instalments. Ask “who will benefit” and work out a way to leverage other people’s resources.
  16. Focus – concentrates energy through a narrow conduit, reducing drag and increasing speed and effectiveness, like a magnifying glass intensifying the sun’s rays so that it is powerful enough to start a fire. Do the one thing such by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary.
  17. Adaptable – ability to shift perspective and flexibility of thought. Open minded to new and better ways of thinking /behaving. Look for the best way it can be done rather than the best way you can do it. Try to disprove what you think you know and challenge assumptions/inferences. What worked yesterday may not tomorrow. Don’t resist chance. Be a predator of chance rather than s victim of circumstance. There are winners and losers in every situation. Try to put yourself out of business (be a disrupter).
  18. Be a lifelong learner – Seek out the best way it can be done, not the best you can do it. Master of what you know, apprentice of what you don’t. Question everything test everything.
  19. Don’t just believe everything you hear, even from authority figures or so called experts. Ask “how do you know? Point me to the research/evidence !” Look to have hypotheses that you try to disprove (like science does) rather than beliefs you try to confirm. It is the most effect way to uncover the truth.
  20. There are lessons all around you all the time, with lessons of what to do, what not to do, everyone has something to teach you, whether they know it or not – watch and listen more than talking.
  21. Learn from your mistakes, don’t be fearful of making them. They are the best teacher.
  22. Find accurate information from reliable sources, curiosity, disprove rather than prove – prevents confirmation bias and self reinforcement, scientific approach.
  23. Allow reflective time to absorb and assimilate information. Talk to others out loud (real or imaginary) as if you were teaching them about what you have learned, or blog about what you’ve learned, this will help you organise your learning into a coherent form.
  24. Beware the Curse of knowledge. Use what you have/know to help others who want to know what you know, in layman’ terms. Break things down. If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it enough.
  25. Choose love over fear – Fearfulness is self defeating, and Ego-centric. Be in the moment, observe thought, don’t react or be controlled by it.
  26. Think abundance rather than scarcity – When one door closes another opens, if you miss a door opening, don’t worry another will. They are always opening.
  27. Givers gain – Of your time, experience attention, support, experience, money.
  28. Get results – Know and do what’s needed, whilst not doing anything counter. Knowledge, motivation, productivity.
  29. Stop using Coping strategies to excuse failure – Justifying is a method to alleviate cognitive stress, and allows us to settle/make do with the current status quo.
  30. Goal setting – Make sure the method you choose to achieve your goal is congruent/ aligned with you, otherwise you won’t act. Ideally do something you like which leads to your goal. If you like business but don’t like the day to day responsibilities of running a business, be an investor instead.
  31. E to P (Entrepreneur to purposeful) – don’t keep bouncing off outer wall of ability, you have to figure out a way to expand your boundary, because life will keep testing you until you do. Even if you give up and do something else, the time will come again when you need to push past.
  32. Know that beliefs, values and consequently, principles, rules, conditions, judgements, views, opinions, conjecture, predictions are built largely on assumptions and inferences and testimony (of perceived experts/authority figures via social conditioning), rather than truths, formed by repetition, revision, practice. Yet they play a huge role in shaping our perceptions/perspective and consequently behaviour/actions. Our Senses take incoming stimuli and our mind then runs a storytelling narrative over them, as we attempt to interpret and make sense of what we see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Our senses can be fooled, our thoughts and consequently our perceptions/perspective misguided.
    Question thoughts, beliefs, assumptions /inferences – start researching to find if they’re accurate/true
  33. Be wary of having fixed/rigid beliefs and values. When someone tells you something, ask “How do you know?”
  34. Expectations worth having;
  • Expect that if it can go wrong it will and at the worst possible time – prepare for it!
  • Expect nothing – drop any sense of entitlement – life and people don’t owe you anything, whether politeness, favours, forgiveness, a place in society, the right to make a living, good health, relationships, friends, family. Each day is a gift, appreciate everything you have, while you have it. Replace Expectation with Appreciation.
  • Expect change – Nothing stays the same, everything changes, change is a natural part of life, you can’t get stuck (in a situation)forever because things are constantly shifting. There are winners and losers in every situation, position yourself to win, be a predator of chance, rather than a victim of circumstance.
  • Expect things/situations to be more complex than initially meets the eye. i.e. political issues, skills etc. If something doesn’t seem to make sense, look into further to find out the complexities, rather than just giving an uninformed opinion.