
The Ingredients of Productivity

Get results: Productivity - focus on being productive instead of busy
Get results: Productivity – focus on being productive instead of busy

Productivity is one of the most important pillars of getting results, it involves being effective with productive effort, and measures the rate of output per unit of input. To put it another way, it’s about getting the most out of your time and effort, by aiming for the most effective use of your resources.

Get Results: Productivity requires doing the one thing...
Get Results: Productivity requires doing the one thing… (click on the poster for more info)
Get Results: Productivity requires time blocking your one thing
Get Results: Productivity requires time blocking your one thing
Get Results: Productivity requires being organised
Get Results: Productivity requires being organised
Get Results: Productivity requires minimising dead space
Get Results: Productivity requires minimising dead space
Get Results: Productivity requires focusing on present moment behaviour and action
Get Results: Productivity requires focusing on present moment behaviour and action
Get Results: Productivity requires measuring outcomes over activities
Get Results: Productivity requires measuring outcomes over activities
Get Results: Productivity requires better decision making and problem solving
Get Results: Productivity requires better decision making and problem solving (click on the poster for more info)
Get Results: Productivity requires exploiting your innate talents
Get Results: Productivity requires exploiting your innate talents
Get Results: Productivity requires having a defined goal
Get Results: Productivity requires having a defined goal (click on the poster for more info)
Get Results: Productivity requires using - goal, plan, action, measure, tweak approach
Get Results: Productivity requires using – goal, plan, action, measure, tweak approach
Get Results: Productivity requires knowledge and skill
Get Results: Productivity requires knowledge and skill (click on poster for more info)
Get Results: Productivity requires effective techniques and systems
Get Results: Productivity requires effective techniques and systems
Get Results: Productivity requires effective tools, equipment, and resources
Get Results: Productivity requires effective tools, equipment, and resources
Get Results: Productivity requires quality inputs, raw materials
Get Results: Productivity requires quality inputs, raw materials
Get Results: Productivity requires control mechanisms
Get Results: Productivity requires control mechanisms

Productivity Quotes

“Focus on being productive instead of busy.” – Tim Ferriss

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

“I don’t have time is the grown-up version of the dog ate my homework.”

“If we boost productivity, we can improve economic growth.” – Tony Abbott

“Success is not a miracle, but a product of productivity, positivity and persistent thinking.” – Lawrence Mudau

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de saint-Exupery

“It’s not about being the best, it’s about being better than you were yesterday.”

“Time you spent thinking about doing something takes away the time you have to actually do it.”

“A smooth sea never made a skilful sailor.”

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer

“Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it.”

“Nothing will work unless you do.” – John Wooden

“We all have the same number of hours in a day, make them count.”

“The man who makes no mistakes doesn’t usually make anything.” – Edward Phelps

“I like things to happen, and if they don’t happen, I like to make them happen. ”

“Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.” – Franz Kafka

“There is no substitute for hard work.”

“Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.”

“Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

“When things aren’t adding up in your life, start subtracting.” – Anon

“if you wait to be perfect, you’ll never get anything done.”

“Perform the dreaded take now and the unpleasant activity is soon over. Delayed action will nag at you infinitely.”

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Alan Kay

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” – Sir Winston Churchill

“The secret to getting ahead … is to get started.”

“Dreams don’t work unless you do.”

“It’s not always that we need to be more, but rather that we need to focus on less.” – Nathan W. Morris

“Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.” – Peter Drucker

“Don’t confuse activity with productivity. Many people are simply busy being busy.” – Robin Sharma

“The best way to get something done is to begin.”

Commitment: Being Committed To Your Goal(s)

Get Results: commitment
Get Results: commitment

It’s all too easy for people to say they are committed 110% or 1000% to see something through to conclusion, it’s often a different matter actually executing on that promise. For a start you can’t give more than 100%, so let’s get that out of the way first. We all know the promise of giving it 1000% is designed to communicate your determination to see whatever it is through, but it’s ridiculous, so please don’t do it, you’re likely to diminish any credibility you might otherwise have.

So being committed to achieving a goal, or getting a certain result is necessary if you’re going to succeed, but what does it involve?

Commitment consists of dedication, determination, enthusiasm, purposefulness, passion, desire, dedication and focus, it also requires some level of accountability.


If you’re purposeful, you have some sort of goal in mind, something you want to achieve. You’re focused on the attainment of that goal, no matter what. It’s like having a burning desire that won’t go away. It’s not having something you’d rather like to do, if the opportunity presented itself, or something you would rather, kind of like to do. If you’re wishy washy about your goal, you aren’t going to have the necessary endurance to apply yourself anywhere near enough to make it a reality.

Purposefulness is better if your purpose is meaningful to you. If you perceive it to be important, a cause that’s bigger than yourself, that will make a difference to other people or society at large. These are examples of the usual inspirational purposes that many people aspire to, and why not, they show you are making a noticeable contribution, even leaving a legacy, and that’s no bad thing. However purpose doesn’t have to be so big and meaningful, it can be a matter of getting out of debt, or making enough money for your next vacation, as long as it means something to you, and you really want it, that’s what counts.

Purposefulness has two sides, enthusiasm and determination.


When the going is tough, when you lack the motivation, or inspiration to take effective action, when you come face to face with a seemingly impassable road block, or a glass ceiling that’s difficult to break through, what you need at those times, is determination. You need a can-do attitude, you need grit and resilience, and it helps if you have a burning purpose behind you.

If you don’t believe in what you’re doing, you’re likely to prematurely throw in the towel at the first sign of difficulty. It will be just too hard to overcome and too easy to make up excuses why it’s not worth the effort, discomfort, or trouble. You’ll have no staying power, when you need it most.

The other face of purposefulness, is enthusiasm


Enthusiasm should exist when the road is clear, and the going is good. If you can’t enjoy those moments of flow, you’re doing something incongruent with who you are and your deeper self. If you don’t feel excited, joyful, engrossed when you think about your purpose than it isn’t a purpose you really believe in. Would you do it for no monetary gain? Would you do it just for the joy of doing it? If you answer a resounding yes to these two questions, you’re on the right path.

Dedication and focus

When you’re committed to something, you’re dedicated to it, and that means you’re focused or even fixated on it. You would rather be doing whatever it is, than anything else. Now I don’t advocate losing yourself in anything 100%, because I’m a firm believer that you should live partially in “the moment”, and outside what you are doing, check out my wellbeing guide for more about this. You should however be excited, dedicated and focused in doing whatever it is you’re committed to doing, and be as productive as possible in making progress.

I could say things like “don’t be half pregnant”, “be all-in”, or “burn your bridges”, so that you can’t go back or deviate. If you do this you have to make it work, you either sink or swim as the saying goes. I wouldn’t recommend this without knowing your particular circumstances or tolerance for risk, but it is a way to really focus your attention and solidifying your commitment and dedication to your cause.

Avoid distractions and temptations

Avoid distractions and temptations, they will only lead you astray. as they are often difficult to resist. It often takes a great deal of will-power, which is finite. The best of us will struggle, if our willpower is not fully charged, even with the best intentions. So try to avoid situations that present distractions and/or temptations altogether.

Be accountable for your actions and results

Sometimes we need a push from some outside influence, or we need the help of someone else to encourage us, or chastise us. Looming deadlines often do the trick, we have a project or assignment that needs to be done by a particular date, so we cram to get it done, at the last minute and just in time. If we fail we are held to account by our poor results.

Make use of someone close to you, someone you respect a great deal, and whose opinion you value, and who you want to have a good opinion of you. Get them to hold you to account for your progress and results. Promise them you’re going to do X by Y date, and have them hold you to account for your results. If you fail, they will know and you will feel bad. If they don’t instil that kind of reaction in you, find someone who will. This is one reason why social groups like slimmer’s world and the likes, are so successful, slimmer’s are held to account, by regular public weigh-ins. Nobody wants to look like a failure in front of others. It’s often the extra motivational push you need to get you over the line.

Formulate a plan, take action.

Whatever your goal is, you have to have some idea how you’re going to achieve it. You need some sort of plan of action, even if it’s quite loose in its construction. No plan should be so rigid that you can’t make adjustments as you progress, but it shouldn’t be so loose that you find yourself backtracking so much that you’re barely making progress. Take some time to work it through, step-by-step as if you were there actually doing it. What needs to be in place for each stage, visualise it, be there, if you do it correctly you’ll be surprised what details come to mind. This will make execution that little bit easier later.

After formulating a plan, the critical stage comes next, taking action. Without it you’re going nowhere. Don’t procrastinate, or over-plan. Your actions will provide feedback and insight as you go. Learn from them and keep taking action. Look at failure along the way as part of the feedback loop, and keep going, be committed and make it happen.

For more about motivational influences, check out our Motivation guide.

If you would like to read more articles focused on COMMITMENT, click here.

Being Committed Quotes

“You must be committed and do what it takes, then you will have what you want.”

“Most people fail, not because of lack of desire, but because of lack of commitment.” – Vince Lombardi

“Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dreams closer.” – Marcia Wieder

“We become whatever we are committed to.”

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re commited to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” – kenneth Blanchard

“Stay committed to your decisions. But stay flexible in your approach.” – Tony Robbins

“Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.”

“You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers.”

“There’s no abiding success without commitment.” – Tony Robbins

“When you’re committed, you do whatever it takes.”

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

“Commitment. This is my favorite word because in some way, people who are committed are always much more interesting and much more reliable, and much more, I would say, deep than people who are not.” – Carlos Ghosn

“Without commitment, you will throw in the towel when the going gets tough enough. With it, there is nothing that can stop you from trying.” –

The Suffering of Mankind

Get Results: thinking instead of feeling
Get Results: Thinking instead of Feeling

If you refuse to put other people first, you’re failing
If you want to beat another, you’re failing
If you’re bitter, angry, or sad you’re failing
If you’re fearful, you’re failing
If you’re lost in the past, you’re failing
If you want the future more than the present, you’re failing.
If you hate, you’re failing
If you dislike, you’re failing
If you need more or better, you’re failing
If you don’t want a certain other near you, you’re failing
If you don’t give a s**t, you’re failing
If you wish harm on others, you’re failing
If you’re resisting “what is”, you’re failing
If you’re judging others, you’re failing
If you’re labelling others, you’re failing

All these failings exist in the mind, in thought. The more you think the more you fail. Thought initiates feeling. We feel bad because we think bad. If you shortcut thought and go straight to feeling, you cut out pain.
Feeling is “now”, being in “the moment”, feeling life, feeling wonder, feeling alive. Feeling without thought.
If you think this is boll**ks you’re thinking and failing, again.

For more info check out our spirituality and wellbeing guide

There’s Knowledge and there’s Knowledge

Get Results: Knowledge
Get Results: Knowledge

There’s two types of knowledge you can have, the first is knowledge that’s wide and shallow, like general knowledge. The person with this type of knowledge, knows a reasonable amount about a lot of things. They might include diverse topics or be more closely related, something like the knowledge held by a GP doctor is an example of this type of knowledge set.

Then there’s knowledge that’s narrow and deep. This is specialist knowledge that is obtained by studying a specific topic for many years. These people might not know much else other than their area of expertise. And given enough knowledge about a particular subject, this is were expertise resides.

There are arguments for gaining both types of knowledge. Business owners, particularly small business owners are usually better with a reasonable knowledge about a lot of business related functions. They can, after all employ experts to do particular functions that require more specialised knowledge.

You could argue that running a business is a specific skill in itself and can be developed into expertise, but I guess it’s all relative. You have a finite amount of time to learn an infinite amount of possible things. The fun, I guess is deciding what best fits in with your long term plans.

If you want to be a business person, you need to learn what’s needed to be a successful business person, and focus on that until you’re as good as you can be. Maybe learning to be a good recruiter (of labour and freelancers) is more valuable than acquiring the knowledge to be able to do those particular functions yourself.

Should you spend your limited time, acquiring the knowledge for implementing an effective marketing strategy, understanding the principles that drive human psychology, so you know an effective advert and offer when you see one. Or should you spend your time gathering the knowledge and perfecting the skill to be able to create great visuals for your adverts, and write amazingly persuasive copy that entices your audience to your offer, for yourself, so you can be self sufficient.

These are the kind of choices you need to make in your pursuit of knowledge. It all depends on what you’re trying to achieve, I guess. It’s all about prioritising, which is dependant on what you’re trying to achieve as part of your end game (goal).



Stop Being a Victim and Start Being a Victor

Get Results: Be a victim or a victor
Get Results: Be a victim or a victor

Life is full of ups and downs. Some things we can influence, others not so much. Many situations will be made up of winners and losers. It’s just the way life rolls.

You might not always be able to dictate the terms of your life, but the one thing you have complete control over is how you deal with the ebbs and flows.

You can either position yourself psychologically as a victor or a victim.


The blame game

Victim mentality looks for other people or other things to blame for failure. They blame their circumstances, their lack of support, resources, money, time, know-how, their boss, they just blame. Blame helps to make the individual feel better, because it wasn’t their fault. One of the hardest things to admit is your own inadequacies. It’s really hard to look yourself in the mirror and admit you messed up at some point. Your Ego would rather cover up your shortcomings and have you believe the blame is over there, somewhere else.

Excuses are useless

Victim mentality is quick to find excuses for why things didn’t fall right for you, or didn’t work out the way you wanted, and for the same reason as pointed out when discussing “blame”, it’s just easier to do.

Denial is delusion

Denial is another self preservation tactic. Burying your head in the sand and hoping it goes away is a form of self delusion, failing to admit the reality of the situation is another.

Victim mentality is aimed at self protection, it’s a defensive tactic aimed at cushioning the blow. If you admit you were wrong your subconscious sees this as a big deal, cause if your wrong in a life or death situation, you could be toast. Your mind, doesn’t want to admit this could be the case, cause that’s what the minds there to do, keep you safe. It’s better to delude yourself, that way you can move on more quickly and try to forget about the whole sorry episode.

It’s easier to blame, excuse or deny, rather than have to look deeper into where the mistakes really lay, so laziness is part of the problem when it comes to a lack of self-analysis.

Live to be a Victor

If you take a Victor mentality, you empower yourself to really look at what went wrong and why. You might not be a victor of the situation, in that you haven’t won in absolute terms, in fact you’re likely to have lost. But by taking a victor mentality, you can at least learn any lessons that are there to learn.

Negative situations are inevitable at some time in your  life. S**t happens, but feeling sorry for yourself doesn’t really serve over a prolonged period. Feel the grief of loss, feel the hurt, sure you should always face it full on and deal with it, but then learn what needs to be learned and move forward. Don’t hold on to the past negativity, just take the lessons forward with you.

Unless it’s a real life and death situation, most things are not that important in the great scheme of things. Money can be earned again, stuff can be replaced. “People”, and “Time are the two things worthy of real grief, and while they are beyond the scope of this article, even they should not be seen as a dead-end that can not be moved beyond. They surely can, with the right “victor” mentality.

The law of opposites says there are always positives in any negative, if you look hard enough and approach from an empowered perspective. Take ownership and responsibility. It’s your job, nobody else’s. Sure use the support of those closest to you to help you through emotionally, but don’t expect them to provide the answers for you, the solutions are within you, they are there, if you open to them.

So instead of playing the victim, blaming, excusing and denying, take ownership, take responsibility and be accountable for the situations you find yourself in, and use them as your strength for improvement and progress.

Improve Results by Taking Responsibility

Get results: take responsibility
Get results: take responsibility

This article is about taking back responsibility for your actions and results. Without this your results will be limited, based on someone else’s agenda and out of your hands.

Before we talk about why taking responsibility is important, I thought I’d describe what people are doing instead of taking responsibility.

Not even trying

When people try to do something important they have to feel it is within their power and capability to get the job done. If they don’t feel confident they can see it though,  they are much less likely to even make a start at it. It becomes a pipe dream with little chance of realisation.

Sure some things can be delegated to experts to do for you, and that’s fine if that’s the case, but the responsibility for finding that expert is still yours, and if that expert turns out to be a failure, it’s your fault.


People are quick to make judgements about how external influences impact their lives. They like to complain about all sorts of things, such as what the government is doing to them, what their local councils are doing to them, what their neighbours, their boss. their work colleagues, their friends and family are doing to them. They complain about the weather, the traffic, suppliers, customers, big business, other voters, the car, the train service providers, other motorists, the list goes on. We like to complain, particularly in Britain, where we’re a nation of complainers. The recent EU referendum has perfectly illustrated the fact that we like to complain about others for the mess we find ourselves in now. “It was the leave campaign that got us into this mess”. “They lied to us”.


People are always blaming external elements for making their lives more difficult. They  use all sorts of excuses why they didn’t achieve something, or to blame failure on some external event, person or thing. They didn’t have enough support, didn’t get the breaks, got let down by a supplier, bank bailed on them, weather ruined the day, lacked the time, money, knowledge, resources, got duped, were mis-sold.

We resist change

Many of us push against change because we hate uncertainty and ambiguity. We like to think we are safe in our comfort zone, we’re familiar with our surroundings and what is expected of us. There is a perception of stability in the status quo. In reality this is an illusion, particularly with the way technology is impacting all our lives. Things are moving faster, and we have to be prepared to move with them, otherwise we’re going to be left behind.

Relying on others

People generally like to rely on others for guidance, help and support. Many people like to be followers rather than being leaders, partly because if the proverbial s**t hits the fan, they can blame someone else for the failure. Lots of people don’t like to lift their head above the parapet for fear of being shot down, criticised, rejected. The result is they play it safe and fail to make progress.

Take back Responsibility

Change brings Opportunity

If we don’t push beyond our existing capabilities we’re confined to the world we currently inhabit. Our comfort zone becomes our limit, but as technology impacts our lives more and more that world is going to get a lot smaller over a short amount of time. To push beyond our little bubble, we have to break through our boundaries. This can be scary, because we are conditioned for self-preservation, and part of this means we prefer certainty and the status quo over change and uncertainty which brings with it, risk. We as human beings hate risk, and the unknown because risk equals danger. Instead see change as opportunity. There will always be winners and losers in any given situation. mentally position yourself to be on the winning side, by looking to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. Be predator of opportunity rather  than a victim of circumstance.

Complaining and Blaming are pointless

What good does blaming someone or something else for a failing do anyway? It might temporarily make you feel better about yourself because someone else messed up, it wasn’t you, phew. But after that initial relief, where does that leave you. You still haven’t achieved your aim. Instead you’ve tricked yourself into staying put and accepted the failure, instead of learning from and moving beyond it.

Abdicating control of the situation, and believing your life is subject to some unalterable master plan is also dis-empowering. Burying your head in the sand, might fool you, but the reality of the situation is unchanged.  Having a victim mentality, blaming external circumstances for your problems, believing it’s not within your power to change, is the surest way to avoid improving your life.

Failing to take responsibility only delegates control, responsibility for your life still resides within you (whether you like it or not).

When you complain about or blame others or something else, you’re trying to pass responsibility to that same thing. In doing so you also pass power. The very power you need to be able to deal with it.

Eckart Tolle rounded it perfectly when he said “When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation, change the situation, or accept it. All else is madness.”

Be determined to win

When you say to yourself, whatever goes wrong is down to me, you allow yourself to take ownership. Instead of fearing failure, embrace it, learn from it and make it the fuel to power through and find a way to succeed.

Instead of allowing glass ceilings, plateaus, and obstacle to defeat you, accept the challenge and find a solution to overcome them. If you fail again, come at it from a different angle, keep going, don’t use external elements as an excuse to give up.


It’s not what happens to you that matters, it’s what you do about it that counts. Stop blaming circumstances, it’s not circumstances, it’s you. Really, it’s you. Things won’t improve unless you do. You know, the truth is liberating because you can have more than you’ve got because you can become more than you are. The other side of the coin, unless you change what you are, you’ll always have what you’ve got.  It’s not a lack of resources (money, time, experience, support, skills, opportunities, connections) that’s the problem,  it’s a lack of resourcefulness, by you, to find a way through. The only way to make progress is to take back responsibility for your actions and results. Rely on one person to take charge of your destiny, and that has to be you.

It’s fine to get outside help from experts, but know that it’s your responsibility to make sure they are up for the challenge. If they fail, it’s because of you. You didn’t get the right person for the right price. You have to take responsibility for your life, after all it’s yours, nobody else’s. Don’t fear the challenge, embrace it, be excited by it.

Get Results: take responsibility
Get Results: take responsibility

For more about motivational influences, check out our Motivation guide.

If you would like to read more articles focused on TAKING RESPONSIBILITY, click here.

Thought of the Day Quotes (more thoughts here)

“There are winners and losers in every situation. Instead of complaining and blaming, make sure you’re mentally and emotionally positioned to win. Be a PREDATOR of CHANCE rather than a VICTIM of CIRCUMSTANCE.”

Get Results: be a predator of chance
Get Results: be a predator of chance

“BLAMING and COMPLAINING are excuses not to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. They are COPING STRATEGIES for failure, they are a CHOICE to play the role of victim. Without them you have the power you need to TAKE ACTION and SUCCEED.”

Get Results: Take Responsibility
Get Results: Take Responsibility

“Make Things happen by doing what matters.”

Get Results: Make things happen by doing what matters
Get Results: Make things happen by doing what matters

Take Responsibility Quotes

“Placing the blame or judgement on some else leaves you powerless to change your experience: TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for your beliefs and judgements give you the power to change them.”

“Passing blame passes power to do something about it. Take responsibility.”

“More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren’t so busying denying them.”

“The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you can change anything in your life.” – Hal Elrod

“It can be a painful thing to look at your own trouble and know that you yourself and one one else has made it. But not admitting it, doesn’t change the fact. Instead own it, learn from it and move forward.”

“Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.”

“You’re free to do whatever you want, but you should always take responsibility for the consequences of your choices in life.”

“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” – Dr Denis Waitley

“The more you take responsibility for your past and present, the more you are able to create the future you seek.”

“Your attention please: No one is coming to save you. This life of yours is 100% your responsibility, whether you accept it or not.”

“Responsibility is the price of freedom.” – Elbert Hubbard

“When you choose your behaviour, you choose your consequences.” – Dr Phil

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go. No one else.”

“Part of getting a second change is taking responsibility for what you did wrong in the first place.”

“There are valuable lessons to learn from failure, but in order to learn them, you have to take responsibility for them.”

“Responsibility shouldn’t be considered a burden, it’s a consequence of your freedom.”

“With freedom, comes responsibility.”

“Responsibility: the ability to choose your response.”

How To Lose That Belly Fat

Get Results: lose belly fat
Get Results: lose belly fat

When it comes to losing weight, many people’s focus is directed primarily on their wobbly belly fat and trying to squeeze in to that old pair of jeans still hanging in the wardrobe. Belly fat or “subcutaneous fat” to give it its technical name, is the loose fat we grab from our midriff when we are testing to see if we can pinch an inch. We loathe it predominantly because of its aesthetic appearance, particularly when we are fed the flawless hard bodies shown on magazine covers and mainstream media.

The more worrying “Visceral fat” which can be found around the organs like the liver, pancreas and intestines is much more dangerous for our health, but because it can’t be seen, is not very well known about. You would need to undertake an MRI scan to see it. Visceral fat tends to be the fat that appears first when you gain weight and thankfully is the first to lose when you lose weight.

Some of my friends who are trying to lose weight have asked about how best to lose inches from their waist in a spot reducing type of remedial action, particularly if a holiday deadline is fast approaching and they want to look as trim as possible.

Now I’ve always said this is difficult, even impossible to achieve, although the muscles in a particular area can be toned by doing specific exercise to that area. For the stomach, you would need to do sit-ups to tone those mid-section muscles. This might help in tightening the muscles and as a result cutting some of the inches, but this would have to be part of a wider strategy of consuming less calories through diet and aerobic exercise to burn additional calories.

Belly fat reduction study

I then noticed a recent study conducted by the BBC “Trust me I’m a doctor” team who recruited 2 doctors who are experts in the field, Fredrik Karpe, a professor of metabolic medicine from the University of Oxford, and Prof Dylan Thompson, from the University of Bath, along with 35 volunteers. The volunteers would take part in a number of tests to see which was more successful in losing belly fat and provided other health benefits.

Before the six week study began, each person underwent health parameter checks and measurements, including undertaking a DEXA scan which gives detailed information about how much fat each participant had and where it was distributed in the body, along with resting heart rate, blood glucose, blood lipids, weight, blood pressure and of course waistline measurements.

Prof Thompson then took on two groups for two types of exercises, while Prof Karpe took two groups for two dietary interventions for a six week test.

Group #1 – volunteers were told to eat as normal but told to be more active in their normal routine, increasing their step count for instance.

Group #2 – volunteers were told to do sit-ups, including six exercises three times a day, every day for six weeks.

Group #3 – volunteers were told to drink milk 3 times a day (1 litre in total) as it has been suggested that milk prevents the body absorbing fat, instead excreting it as waste when you go to the loo.

Group #4 – volunteers were told to reduce portion sizes and stop snacking in between meals. They were given coping strategies for dealing with hunger pangs and supported by a dietitian throughout the study period.


At the end of the six weeks study all participants had their parameters tested again. The results were as follows:

Group 1 – who were more active. didn’t lose any fat but had greatly improved health measurements such as blood pressure and even blood glucose levels.

Group 2 – who did the sit-ups, didn’t lose weight or get any healthier but did lose 2 cm from their waistlines, which backs up my hypotheses that toning the muscles would impact waist size.

Group 3 – who underwent the milk test, didn’t lose weight or improve their health. However they didn’t gain weight either even though they had consumed an extra 400 calories a day from drinking the milk

Group 4 – who consumed smaller portion sizes and stopped snacking lost 35kg between them which was an average of 3.7kg each, over the six weeks. Their waistline also reduced by an average of 2 inches. The DEXA scan readings showed 5% less body fat and an impressive 14% reduction of the dangerous visceral fat inside the abdomen. This group lost overall body fat as well as abdominal fat. They also saw improvements in other health parameters. On the downside they also lost some muscle mass, due to muscle cannibalisation, which is common with weight loss.


So the BBC study provided a clear winner in group #4, who cut calories by reducing portion size and stopped snacking in between meals. So the lesson to learn is that if you want to lose that stubborn belly fat, cut your calories. You don’t have to go mad, just reduce portion sizes and keep away from snacking in between meals.

However to prevent muscle loss, which is an inevitable side-effect of dieting, undertake some muscle building or toning exercise in addition to your diet reduction plan.

If you want to tone your stomach muscles, which will help reduce your waistline, than exercising that region is the way to go, particularly using stomach crunches. To do effective stomach crunches…

  • Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
  • Place your hands on your thighs, across your chest or behind your ears.
  • Slowly curl up towards your knees until your shoulders are about three inches off the floor.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and lower down slowly.

When doing crunches avoid…

  • Tucking your neck into your chest as you rise
  • Contracting your abs throughout the exercise
  • Yanking your head off the floor

Hope you found this article informative, please share it with your friends and family if you did. Also check out my Weight loss ultimate guide for more health information.

Resourcefulness To Improve Results

Get Results: Resourcefulness
Get Results: Resourcefulness

When people say they can’t do something because they don’t have the time, don’t know enough, lack experience, lack money, support, or don’t have the right manager etc what they are really saying is they don’t have the necessary resources. In truth, what they really lack is resourcefulness. They lack the resourcefulness to find a way to get where they want to go in spite of the obstacles and difficulties that stand in their way.

Resourcefulness is the ability to overcome challenges by creatively finding ways to make progress in spite of challenges. It means solving problems with the resources you have at your disposal, making the best of what you have and doing more with less.

Take responsibility

In order to put yourself in the right frame of mind, you should take full responsibility for finding a solution. If you pass responsibility to someone else, you also pass the power to do something about it. You then find you’re waiting around for them to come up with answers and you’re inevitably likely to be disappointed. Even if they do come through for you, relying on someone else to find the answers for you means that you’re not developing your own “resourcefulness”.

The more you practice being resourceful, the better you’ll get at it. It’s a skill, that improves the more you use it. So take ownership of it and start to build a new, and very worthwhile skill. People are paid a lot of money for being resourceful, think trouble-shooters and business turn-around managers. It’s a highly demanded commercial skill, as well as an invaluable skill for your own life.

Be Proactive

Be on the front foot, rather than waiting for things to drop in your lap. This relates to taking responsibility (covered above). When you’re actively taking the initiative, you’ll be surprised how ideas and solutions come to you.

Be creative

Creativity requires you to be open minded and able to stand back and see things from a different perspective. Use your strengths, abilities, knowledge, tools, networks and other resources to approach and tackle the situation from a variety of angles, such as using unconventional approaches and/or reapplying other experience, to the present situation. Using a variety of problems solving techniques such as brainstorming may also help, check some out here.

 Be Driven

When you’re inspired to see things through, you’ll find a way. Drive carries with it the courage, passion, commitment, persistence, determination and tenacity that you’ll need to overcome difficult challenges. If it has been done before, it can be done again.

Use your Connections

We can’t be expected to know it all, and that’s were other people can help. Use your existing connections for assistance, such as friends, family and colleagues, ask them for help and advice, you might be surprised what hidden connections, skills and resources people you thought you knew, might have. Also try to forge new connections where possible, sometimes reaching out to strangers can be surprisingly productive.


Improving your results comes down to many factors including the acquisition of knowledge, being motivated enough to power through any challenges you inevitably meet on your journey and being super productive, so that you’re doing the important things to ensure you get where you want to be. A big part of motivation and productivity is being resourceful. Without resourcefulness, you’re likely to be defeated by the the inevitable obstacles and challenges that come your way.  However if you can harness your resourcefulness, you can overcome most anything.  First take responsibility, then look for creative approaches to problem solving. Be proactive and driven to get the job done to a positive conclusion.

I’ll finish this article off with an example from my own experience using resourcefulness. When I was in the process of needing a new car, some years ago, I discovered that personal loans were running at 12% APR and for the car I wanted, the monthly repayments would be running at £250 a month, which at the time, was too much for me. So I looked around for alternatives.

I discovered a credit card that had 5.6% APR for the life of the balance, which was applicable for balance transfers only. The only problem was, I could only enjoy the deal if I purchased the car on another card, then transferred it to the 5.6% card.

None of my other cards had a big enough credit limit to buy the car on. So I explained the situation to a good friend of mine who offered to buy the car on their card. I checked, and it was okay to transfer off his card, so that’s what I did.

I then used the 5.6% balance card like a loan and paid a set amount each month, paying just £150, which was more within my means at the time. After a few years I transferred the remaining balance onto an interest free for 2 years card, until it was fully paid. In doing it this way, I saved massively on the amount of interest I paid, I managed to pay a monthly amount that I could afford, and I used credit in a positive way.

I hope this article has shed some light on resourcefulness for you. Please share it with your friends and family if you have found it informative.

For more about motivational influences, check out our Motivation guide.

If you would like to read more articles focused on RESOURCEFULNESS, click here.

Resourcefulness Quotes

“You think you failed because you lacked the necessary resources, in reality you failed because you lacked the necessary resourcefulness.”

“The defining factor (for success) is never resources, it’s resourcefulness.” – Tony Robbins

“The most fearsome opponent/competitor is one that is reliably resourceful.”

“Resourceful people find clever, ingenious, inventive ways to overcome difficulties.”

“Resourcefulness allows you to look at problems and challenges as opportunities.”

Finding Motivation: The Ingredients of Motivation

Get Results: Motivation
Get Results: Motivation

Finding, increasing and maintaining motivation is vital if you’re going to GET RESULTS. Motivation comes out of a psychological process, made up of two opposing forces, which either push you towards your goal or hold you back from pursuing it. You have largely fear based emotions on the one hand, designed to keep you from harm, but which often hold you back. On the other hand, you have motivational forces that help you take the necessary steps for realising your goals, and getting the results you desire.

Most people find it difficult to overcome the internal struggle that is fought between these opposing forces. We fear too much, so we don’t take action. We want something with all our heart, but we don’t take action, because we’re having to move away from our comfort zone.

When you start to break down the components of motivation, it becomes clear why it is so difficult. We have things like fear, conflict, self-doubt, discomfort, distraction, and temptation fighting against things like commitment, effort, resourcefulness, purpose, desire and determination.

Get Results: opposing motivations
Get Results: opposing motivations
Get Results: force field analysis
Get Results: force field analysis

TAKING ACTION towards a goal is a must if you’re going to be successful. Knowing what to do and when to do it, is also vitally important. Being effective rather than efficient makes you as productive as possible, but motivation is the key, without it, nothing else is possible or gets done. You have to be motivated to learn what needs to be learned, to spend the hours, weeks, days, months, even years acquiring knowledge, building skill, perfecting talent. You will not take action without motivation. It is the fuel in your tank.

Motivation is made up of a number of ingredients, which will need to be mastered if you’re to move closer to your goal, check them out below …

Some of the posters below, link to more in-depth articles (still on this website) that drill into the subject matter of that poster, in much more detail.

Additionally by subscribing to our email list, we will send our step-by-step process, which will help you get results, and covers motivation and its role in the goal attainment process, among other things. It’s a big picture overview of the process, and is easy to unsubscribe from, whenever you want, so what have you got to lose? Jump on board.

Great giveaway

Additionally and for a limited time only, we are offering our “Get Results Quotes jpeg”, which presents some great inspirational quotes, covering the categories listed below, and is a great motivational reference you can keep with you on your phone. [thrive_2step id=’2645′] CLICK HERE [/thrive_2step] to sign up for it, so we can email the link to you.

Get Results: Motivation requires...being self aware
Get Results: Motivation requires…being self aware (click poster for more info)

Self awareness is essential in effectively planning the road ahead, gaining insight into why you do what you do, and don’t do what you don’t do. What you’re good at and not so good and and why. For more information about self awareness click here.

Get Results: Motivation requires...being resourceful
Get Results: Motivation requires…being resourceful (click on poster for more info)

Being resourceful is about putting the excuses like “I don’t have the money, or the time, or the experience to do this” to one side and getting the job done, regardless of the difficulties you face. Resourcefulness is about getting results no matter what. For more information about resourcefulness, click here.

Get Results: Motivation requires...taking full responsibility
Get Results: Motivation requires…taking full responsibility (click poster for more info)

Taking responsibility is about not blaming others or complaining that this or that is getting in your way. It’s about being accountable for your  own results. When you make the psychological shift away from playing the role of victim, you empower yourself to get results. For more about taking responsibility, click here.

Get Results: Motivation requires...being committed
Get Results: Motivation requires…being committed (click poster for more info)

Being committed is about burning your  bridges, taking a focused, determined path forward, without wavering and second guessing yourself. For more about being committed, click here.

Get Results: Motivation requires...having a strong work ethic
Get Results: Motivation requires…having a strong work ethic (click on the poster for more info)

Having a strong work ethic is essential if you’re going to cover the ground from where you are now to where you want to be. For more about having a strong work ethic, click here.

Get Results: Motivation requires...being tuned into intuition
Get Results: Motivation requires…being tuned into intuition (click on poster for more info)

Accessing your intuition is a skill which can be developed over time. Your subconscious knowledge pool is always at work, without your conscious awareness, it’s collecting information, scanning your environment, looking for inconsistencies and abnormalities. Learning to quiet your mind so that you can distinguish between intuition and fear response is something you will get better at over time. For more about intuition, click here.

Get Results: Motivation requires...being able to initiate momentum
Get Results: Motivation requires…being able to initiate momentum (click poster for more information)

Getting started is often the hardest part about making change, because over time habit kicks in and makes the behaviour/ action more automatic, check out more about initiating momentum, here.

Get Results: Motivation requires...replacing bad habits with good ones
Get Results: Motivation requires…replacing bad habits with good ones

The easiest way of getting rid of a bad habit is establishing a new good habit. Habits are hard to break because we often don’t think about doing them, they are by their nature, automatic. Most people complain that they struggle with filling the gap left by a habit, so fill the space with a new, more empowering habit, and over time it too will become automatic.

Get Results: Motivation requires... being purposeful
Get Results: Motivation requires… being purposeful

Having purpose requires having a direction, a goal. It gives us a reason to take action, to establish new behaviours, and develop new habits. Without purpose we are like a rudderless boat floating helplessly. Without purpose, there is no motivation to move from the current status quo.

Get Results: Motivation requires...ability to embrace change and risk
Get Results: Motivation requires…ability to embrace change and risk. (Click on the poster for more information)

To move from where you are now to where you want to be, requires change, and change is often feared because of the uncertainty, risk and danger it is perceived as bringing with it. Learning how to embrace change and risk is key to helping you move forwards. For more about embracing change and risk, click here.

Get Results: Motivation requires... gratitude for your blessings
Get Results: Motivation requires… gratitude for your blessings (click on the poster for more info)

No matter where you are in life, whether you are where you ultimately want to be, you have many things to be grateful for, and appreciation shouldn’t be far from the top of your mind. For more about gratitude, click here.

Get Results: motivation requires... being brave to overcome fear
Get Results: motivation requires… being brave to overcome fear (click poster for more info)

Fear is THE dream killer. If you can master fear, the world is your playground. For more about overcoming fear, click here.

Get Results: Motivation requires...freedom from inner conflict
Get Results: Motivation requires…freedom from inner conflict (click for more info)

Inner conflict can occur on both a subconscious level as well as a conscious level, which makes it difficult to identify and move beyond. For instance, fearing success or the consequences of success, while at the same time craving success, can cause chaos with internal motivational drives and subsequently attempting to unpick the underlying causes can clarify irrational beliefs. For more information about inner conflicts, click here.

Get Results: Motivation requires...avoiding temptations and distractions
Get Results: Motivation requires…avoiding temptations and distractions

Avoiding temptations and distractions is key to getting things done in a meaningful and effective way. We are often surrounded by these things and learning how to hack a way around them, or avoid them completely, so that we don’t sidetracked, is a must.

Get Results: motivation requires overcoming discomfort
Get Results: motivation requires overcoming discomfort

Even the thought of having to deal with discomfort, can be an ambition killer. Putting yourself in harms way, psychologically speaking, is a tough one to overcome, but with practice, you can become a master of it, rather than a victim to it.

Get Results: Motivation requires use of negative emotions to drive action
Get Results: Motivation requires use of negative emotions to drive action (click on the poster for more info)

Emotions are a vital component in driving behaviour and instigating action-taking. Emotions are what stir you, make you overcome situations, where you would not ordinarily take action. Anger, fear, regret, disappointment can be used to move you closer to your goal or keep you stuck where you are. Figuring out how to use emotions as useful tools rather than annoying obstacle is what will get you to where you want to be.

Get Results: Motivation requires a shift of perspective
Get Results: Motivation requires a shift of perspective (click poster for more info)

Shifting of perspective is about opening your mind and seeing things in a different way. Rigid beliefs, are often the major cause of keeping you stuck and preventing you seeing things, people, ideas and situations in a completely different light and from a completely different perspective.  For more about shifting perspective, click here.

Get Results: overcome blocking coping strategies
Get Results: overcome blocking coping strategies (click on poster for more info)

Overcoming coping strategies is about stopping yourself rationalising the thoughts, actions and behaviours that are preventing you pursuing your dreams and goals. Blocking coping strategies are a psychological way of feeling okay about your failure to take the necessary actions that are required to get you to your goals. For more about blocking coping strategies, click here.

Questions and answers about motivation

I recently did some keyword research on the search terms inputted into Google around the word “motivation” and came up with a list of questions people want answered about motivation, which I’ve listed below, along with some of the more important answers. I’m not going to answer question by question, but rather gather the general gist of the questions into a few important answers. I’ve grouped them around, questions about 1. the definition of motivation, 2. self motivation, 3. motivating others and 4. more general motivational questions.

Keyword research is a great insightful tool for getting down to the nuts  and bolts of what people want to know, and are actively searching for.

1. Definition of motivation

Search Terms inputted into search engines

  • what is motivation,
  • define motivate,
  • definition of motivate,
  • what is the definition of motivation,
  • external motivation definition,
  • emotional motive definition,
  • the definition of motivation,
  • extrinsic motivation definition psychology,
  • what is the meaning of motivation,
  • what does the word motivation mean,
  • what is a motivation,
  • define the term motivation,
  • the meaning of motivation,

Questions (condensed)

  • What is motivation?
  • Emotional motive behind motivation?
  • Definition of motivation?
  • What is the meaning of motivation?
  • What does the word motivation mean?


Motivation is defined as a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way. Motivation can be intensified by using EMOTIONS, driving the NEED or WANT to take action, instead of maintaining a state of INDIFFERENCE in the STATUS QUO.

2. Self motivation


  • intrinsic motivation,
  • stay motivated,
  • internal motivation,
  • positive motivation,
  • motivate yourself,
  • motivational thoughts,
  • need motivation,
  • personal motivation,
  • job motivation,
  • career motivation,
  • develop yourself,
  • intrisic motivation,


  • How to stay motivated?
  • How to increase motivation internally?
  • How to use positive motivation?
  • How to motivate yourself?
  • What thoughts can be used to increase motivation?
  • How to increase personal motivation?
  • How to increase job or career motivation?
  • How to develop motivation?


Motivation has two opposing forces, the first is the motivation to achieve some goal, to improve, get better, to succeed. All those things that you wish for, dream of or have desire to do or be.

On the flip side are the blocking motivations, which are driven by self-preservation and fear. The little voice in your head that tells you not to take risk, or pursue change because you might fail, be embarrassed, lose something important.

Both these forces fight over every decision you have to make, and only one can ever win.

If you’re not where you want to be, then the blocking motivations are the cause. It’s your job to recondition your thinking so that the blocking motivations are defeated. You can do it!

Clicking on the posters above, will walk you through the important considerations of motivation, including improving self-awareness, taking responsibility, being committed, overcoming fear, breaking inner conflicts and self sabotage.

With respect to using motivation for work, career or fitness, it works the same way in all aspects of life. Hacking motivation will support you in all aspects of life.

3. Motivating others


  • extrinsic motivation,
  • motivational people,
  • how to motivate staff,
  • motivating staff,
  • staff motivation,
  • leadership motivation,
  • motivation in business,
  • extrinsic motivation psychology definition,
  • employee motivation techniques,
  • motivation of employees,
  • worker motivation,
  • motivation definition,
  • achievement motivation,
  • motivation techniques,
  • creative development,
  • business motivation,


  • How to get motivated?
  • How to increase staff and worker motivation?
  • How to increase leadership motivation?
  • How to increase motivation in other people?
  • How to increase business motivation?
  • Ideas for creative motivation?


Once you truly understand how motivation works, you will be better placed to motivate others.

Understand that DESIRE and FEAR are the basic drivers of human behaviour. People always act with positive intent, and will respond to a potential improvement in their situation, or sense of self, as long as the risk and uncertainty, which they fear, is reduced. If the reward is greater than the risk, they will act, but you have to make a good enough argument to convince them that the rewards do indeed outweigh the risks.

If you can align employees goals with your business goals, you will win. This is why some businesses run profit sharing schemes.

But to understand people’s motivations you have to develop your emotional intelligence, so that you have more empathy for how that person models the world. We all have the same psychological structures of thought that influence behaviour, we all feel anger, sadness, happiness in the same way, but our triggers and perceptions can vary significantly. What is important to you, is not necessarily important to me, but you will react in the same way to something that is important to you, as I would to something that was important to me.

Don’t worry if you don’t get it at the moment, we will be revisiting it in future posts. I would also advise subscribing to our newsletter for exclusive content, not available on the website, which covers this subject in more detail.

4. Motivation general


  • Motivating,
  • intrinsic and extrinsic motivation,
  • achievement motivation,
  • types of motivation,
  • motivation techniques,
  • business motivation,
  • motivational activities,
  • maslow motivation,
  • motivational strategies,
  • motivation and emotion,
  • psychology motivation,
  • increase motivation,
  • motivation model,
  • importance of motivation,
  • goal motivation,
  • motivation process,
  • motivational ideas,
  • models of motivation,
  • motivation help,


  • What is the importance of motivation?
  • Where to find help for increasing motivation?
  • What is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?
  • What are the types of motivation?
  • What is business motivation?
  • What are some motivational activities?
  • What is Maslow’s pyramid of motivation?
  • What are some motivational strategies?
  • What emotions are used in motivation?
  • What is a model for motivation?
  • What is a process for motivation?
  • What are ideas for motivation?


Without motivation, nothing gets done, so it is an essential part of taking action and getting results.

Intrinsic motivation refers to doing something for the enjoyment of doing it, for its own sake, rather than any external rewards. Think of things like hobbies or passions that you may engage in, which are done simply for the enjoyment of doing them.  Extrinsic motivation refers to doing something to earn a reward, such as money, fame or praise, or to avoid a punishment such as being chastised, or beaten, or made to feel embarrassed. You would not engage in this behaviour if it wasn’t for the consequences. Many people’s jobs are an example of extrinsic motivation, because they wouldn’t do it if they weren’t getting paid.

Many different emotions can be entangled in motivation. Desire for something else, frustration, discontentment, dissatisfaction with the way things currently are, yearning for more, for better, or a desperate sense of needing, are good examples of supporting emotions (emotions that drive you closer to your goal). Fear is largely responsible for blocking progress (stopping you reaching your goal). I recommend checking out the posters above, for all the supporting and blocking internal and external motivations.

Maslow’s (1943, 1954) hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. It can be described as a model for motivation.

Get Results: Mazlows hierichy of needs
Get Results: Mazlows hierarchy of needs

Maslow stated that people are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some needs take precedence over others. Our most basic need is for physical survival (bottom of triangle), and this will be the first thing that motivates our behaviour. Once that level is fulfilled the next level up is what then motivates us, and so on, until we eventually reach self-actualisation, at the top of the pyramid.

As far as establishing a process for motivation, the first and probably most important thing to do is increase SELF-AWARENESS, so to improve understanding as to what creates motivation within us as individuals, finding out what our particular triggers are. Then use these motivations to drive us towards our goal, while hacking those that get in the way. Again I would recommend reading the posters above and following the links for more in-depth information.

We will be detailing some clever motivation hacks in future articles, so please subscribe to our newsletter for content updates, as well as unique content, not available on the website.

Motivation is one of the building blocks for getting results, subscribe to our newsletter to get a walk through of our GET RESULTS methodology, as well as other content not available on the website. Email is a great way for us to provide information for you.

Improve Self Awareness: Align the World Around You To Serve Rather Than Hinder You

Get Results: Self Awareness
Get Results: Self Awareness

What is self Awareness?

Self awareness is the conscious knowledge and understanding of your own character, feelings, motivates and desires. It’s knowing, why you do what you do and don’t do what you don’t do. Its knowing what you like and don’t like and what you’re good at and not so good at.

Why is Self Awareness important?

It’s important to develop self awareness so that you can align the world around you to serve your natural tendencies, rather than trying to be something you’re not. Let me explain what I mean.

If you’re doing a job you hate, there’s something wrong with your outer world and your inner world alignment. This can be a real problem,

I remember when I worked in middle management in my 20’s and 30’s, I enjoyed being a manager, directing the work force, organising the processes and production etc, but I also thought that there was something missing, something that felt out of sync. I realised over time that the silly games of politics that go on in big business was not for me. I wanted to get on with the job and do the best I could for the business, while other managers seemed more content with point scoring, apportioning blame when things went wrong. They prioritised activities that were self serving over what was right for the business, and this included managers that I reported to.

The sense of something being missing  began to drive me mad, and I came to hate having to go to work. I would get a sinking feeling on the Sunday, thinking about having to go to work the Monday. I would be wishing for the weekend to come, counting down the days. I can tell you it wasn’t a feeling I would want to experience again.

I wanted to be “the leader”. I wanted to be the driver of the business. I enjoyed the business of business, creating the strategy, the marketing, the culture rather than carrying out the orders of someone else and being a pawn in someone else’s game.  It was what I wanted to do, I couldn’t hide from that fact.

I left and started my own business, and although the business is much smaller than the one I’d worked in previously, I enjoy operating at a higher level within the business. I’m the boss, of marketing, strategy, and execution. I feel I am where I belong. I get to be in the business of business now. I feel in alignment, emotionally and mentally.

Now that I am my own boss, I have still got to make choices about what I should do and what I should get others to do. I’m lucky that I’m a bit of a geek so I like to figure stuff out. I enjoy doing the finances, I enjoy doing the marketing etc. I don’t enjoy doing the routine photo editing stuff ( I run a photography business to give you some context), so I don’t do it, I employ someone else to do it for me. I don’t like to do the administration side of things, so I hire someone else to do it for me. So I do the things I want to do and get others to do the rest.

I’m lucky that I can get to do this, not everyone has the finances to be able to do so, at least initially, but in time, this is what you should be aiming for. Instead of taking all the money out of your business, live a little more conservatively and pay someone to do the other stuff you don’t like to do.

Now something to remember here is, make sure you hire people that are good at doing the other stuff and that enjoy doing the other stuff. If you get a situation where they love what they do, then you’re going to be in a win win situation for both of you.

Get Results: Self Awareness
Get Results: Self Awareness

How improve Self Awareness

You improve self awareness by self examination. Give yourself some time to get away from the hustle and bustle of life, sit in a quiet place and exam your life, your routines, your likes and dislikes. Look at the things you spend your time doing and the things you try to avoid and ask yourself why. keep asking why to dig deeper.

By being self aware you get to figure out what you like and don’t like. You can punt the stuff you don’t like to someone else, who does like to do that particular thing.

You will discover you actually do the things you like to do, or at the very least, you find yourself wanting to do them, you’re also likely to be good at these things and they come naturally for you. If they don’t come naturally, you will, at least be happy to put in the time to practice and perfect them.

On the flip side you will find you don’t do activities you don’t like to do, or you try to avoid doing them. These are also likely to be activities you’re not very good at.

Now if you’re not doing something that needs to be done to make progress towards you goal, you can’t just ignore it. You either have to make the effort and do it or delegate it, if it can be delegated and you have someone to delegate it to. Otherwise you will be stuck where you are. Self awareness will at least shine a light on this situation.

Now the next bit can be a little more difficult, it’s knowing what you’re good at and not so good at, or even bad at. It can be difficult to face up to your shortcomings and weaknesses. You have to be bluntly honest with yourself.

Sometimes you should ask the opinion of others who are considered experts in a particular activity  and see how you measure up from an experts point of view. You need to consider criticism as valuable feedback, which will allow you to progress. For instance if you’re doing your own graphic design for adverts and they suck, this could be adversely affecting the effectiveness of those adverts.

By getting some honest and unbiased feedback, you might decide to delegate the work it to a graphic designer rather than doing it yourself, and hopefully that will improve your  adverts conversion rate.  One caveat here, make sure the feedback is from someone who isn’t going to profit directly from saying you’re crap at something, otherwise they might be telling you because it’s good for them (they get that business), rather than good for you.

So there you have it, self awareness is a key component of getting results and should be a priority in both your business life and personal life. Don’t try to change who you are to fit the world around you, but shape the world around you to fit who you are.

For more about motivational influences, check out our Motivation guide.

If you would like to read more articles focused on SELF AWARENESS, click here.

Get Results: Self Awareness
Get Results: Self Awareness

Get Results: self awareness
Get Results: self awareness

Self Awareness Quotes

“What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.”

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.”

“If you’re your authentic self, you have no competition.”

“Self-awareness gives you the capacity to learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. It enables you to keep growing.” – Lawrence Bossidy

“I am” two of the most powerful words. What you put after them defines your reality.”

“One way to measure self-awareness is by looking at your ability to tell your life story in a coherent way.”

“What other people say about you is their reality, not yours.”

“The most important journey is the journey within.”

“Happiness is a feeling of well-being derived from knowing ourselves.”

“Be yourself. There is something that you can do better than any other. Listen to the inward voice and bravely obey that.”

“Get lost and find yourself.”

“The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” – Nathaniel Branden

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it late.”

“Awareness allows us to get outside our mind and observe it in action.”

“We can’t change reality: we can only change our experience of it, by changing our self…”

“knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle

“Accept no one’s definition of your life. Define yourself.”

“We have self-centered minds which get us into plenty of trouble. If we do not come to understand the error in the way we think, our self-awareness, which is our greatest blessing, is also our downfall.”

“Self-awareness is the ability to take an honest look at your life without any attachment to it being right or wrong, good or bad.” – Debbie Ford

“Self-awareness is not self-centeredness, and spirituality is not narcissism. ‘Know thyself’ is not a narcissistic pursuit.” – Marianne Williamson

“Self-awareness is knowing why you do what you do and don’t do what you don’t do. It’s knowing what you like and don’t like, and why. It’s about having the enough self esteem to be able to look in the mirror and admit your shortcomings as well as celebrate your strengths.” – get results

“Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.”

“Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed”

“Bravery, honesty, honour, loyalty, self discipline, hospitality, industriousness, self reliance, perseverance. Nothing else is needed.”